Home Depot Sand


Does anyone know or has anyone found the Southdown sand at any HDs in Ohio? I looked at my local HD and they didn't have it. Thought if someone could confirm a HD that had it, I'd just drive there to get it.



Originally posted by phipps
Does anyone know or has anyone found the Southdown sand at any HDs in Ohio? I looked at my local HD and they didn't have it. Thought if someone could confirm a HD that had it, I'd just drive there to get it.

I don't live in Ohio but I took me 6 Home Depots here in MI before I could find one that sold it.


Active Member

Originally posted by RedWinger

:cheer: Go Bucks!
btw.. You can order it from their site if you cant find it local..


I did a search on their site and it said that I had to purchase at my local HD due to weight.
Do you have an item or SKU number that I could ask my HD if they can order?


How far are you from Findlay? If your not too far I will go to the HD here and see what they have. It would be a good excuse to get some new power tools while I'm there


New Member
HOME DEPOT SAND. HI guys, I have a solution to your question. I work for The Home Depot in Crawfordsville Indiana. I actually order product for The Home Depot. I have done a little research on the Tropical Playsand. I can get the sand, but I have to order in quanities of 50, 50lb bags. I will only do this if you can pay for, and pick it up at the store. I can deliver in a small radius of Crawfordsville Indiana, additional fee applies. The Chicago area stores do stock this item. This is where I would get my supply. It cost me to ship by courier. I can get you locations if interested. The 50lb bag retails for $6.99 US dollars. I will be more than glad to help you out. I will also be willing to go in on some. Feel free to e-mail, or instant message me.


Hey thanks!! If you could see if there are any HDs in western/southwestern Ohio (Dayton, Cincinnati, Columbus, Lima areas) that carry it I'd be willing to drive to get it.
I'm only going to need maybe 3 or 4 bags.


New Member
Can do buddy, would be more than glad to check on that this week. I may be able to let you know as soon as tomorrow. Maybe you can answer my Brown algae question. I want to get ride of it on my substrate, and live rock. I have 20 watt actnic bulb, and daylight bulb, dual hood. I just cycled 2 days ago


You don't need to hurry, I'm not going to be setting up my larger aquarium for a couple months yet. I just thought that if I found the sand I could go ahead and start picking it up. That way I wouldn't have as large of an expense later.
I am also a newbie, but I'll try to answer your question.
After my tank started developing the brown alagae, I got 2 mexican turbo snails and 6 dwarf blue legged hermit crabs (my LFS called them Blue Algae HCs) and they have done a bang up job of cleaning everything up. I've got just a couple small spots of algae on my glass, but I saw the snails working on that today.
I have learned so much from this site. I just wish that I'd found it before I started my aquarium, there would have been a couple things that I would have done differently. (ie the sand rather than CC)
But, I'm already working on a larger aquarium to be put up later this summer. :joy:
Of course, this is driving my wife nuts!! She wanted one also, but I don't think that she thought I'd get into it so much!! :cheer:


phipps, i dont know if this helps you but the HD in Fort Wayne,IN on Coldwater Road has a boatload of it. That is where i got mine. I have 8 bags too many if you dont mind paying the actual shipping on it.


phipps, if you go let me know and i can get you the address. When i was there a few months ago they had over a hundred bags in stock.


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by DeJay
So let me get this straight??? You can put reg. Home Depot sand in your salt water aquarium???

Yep or anyother kind of sand for that matter. I use the non-shouthdown in my tanks.


New Member
That's cool phipps, I didn't get a chance to check into today. BUSY BUSY. Your story sounds a lot like mine. I never dreamed I would like this hobby so much. I have learned a lot, and I am so eager to learn more. My girlfriend loves it just as much as I do. As a matter of fact, I have to calm her down at times on wanting to buy fish. She wants to push our luck on the quanity. I showed her what happens today. Her yellow tang has ich, and is beginning to get fin rot. I would have a large tank if I weren't in this apartment.
I'll talk at ya later


beaslbob, why dont you just shut up and quit telling people BS!!! Just because you choose not to use good sand for a DSB doesnt mean you can shove it down other peoples throats. Dejay, do a search on DSB and you will find there is a BIG difference in the types of sand that should be used for SW. It will only prove again what a jack##s beaslbob is. Obviously beaslbob cant do much of anything right-his tank setup and spelling for starters.:notsure: