Home Depot Sand??


Hi Guys,
I remember reading a thread about using Home Depot Sand for the base in a tank. Is this true? And if so then what type/ brand do i get??? I need it for 150 gallon set up, figured it would be more cost effective than going to the fish store for regular sand. :needhelp:


Active Member
It MUST be Aragonite sand. Yardright/Old Castle/Southdown are the brands to look for. People will argue about who has bought out who but look for all three and you are sure to find something. Just make sure it is aragonite.


It goes under the name of Old Castle or YardRight. It's called tropical play sand. If you can get a sample of whatever they have and pour some vinegar into it, it should fizz up. If it does, that's the stuff. If not, you'll need to keep looking.


Originally Posted by airforceb2
It MUST be Aragonite sand. Yardright/Old Castle/Southdown are the brands to look for. People will argue about who has bought out who but look for all three and you are sure to find something. Just make sure it is aragonite.
Old Castle bought out Southdown, so it should all be under Old Castle now.


Active Member
I just read in a thread tonight a post by mudplayerex that the sand from Home Depot is ok for a while, but in a couple of years the lower layers will compact almost to concrete. Something to think about.
Lisa :happyfish