Home from the Desert

p fish

Hello All,
Just got back from my long deployment in the Desert, how are things? Last time here was over five months ago


Active Member
Glad you are back safe. Love to hear about you guys coming home and thank you and your family for your months of sacrifice. I just got my 2 Marines back last month:D

p fish

thanks for all the warm welcome home, and its really nice to be back. I'm starting over with all my tanks and thanks for asking. No I've never been stationed at Holloman. Yes it was really warm. Again to all of my fish buddies thanks for the welcome....
P fish


Although it's been said before, Thank You!!!! I wish everyone in the services knew how appreciated they are here. Although we may not get the press that the disidents get, we all love you an appreciate you standing for our rights and protecting this freedom-loving land that we live in. Just think of it. There are not many countries is this world anymore that have the freedom and time to worry about such mundain things as how they are going to keep their reef tanks functioning. Most countries are more worried about how they will provide thier family with a meal that evening. I hope that everyone here truely appreciates the sacrifices that our servicemen make and realize the freedoms that they dedicate their lives to protect. Thank you again and GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

p fish

Your words are so true and also much appricated by me. The things in this country that we do and take for granted here would shock most folks in other countries. Thanks again for the kind words and understanding, we do what we do because we love this country.....

melissa v.

WELCOME HOME, AND A BIG KISS AND HUG, AND THANKYOU!!!!!!!!! (that just doesn't seem like enough, for all you did for me:( ) but THANK YOU IS ALL I HAVE RIGHT NOW
Melissa V.