Home made fish food, who else does it? Check out my mix.


Active Member
Im just curious who makes thier own foods.
I tried to do it in the past, but didnthave success.
I used:
Assorted Clams
Varius Shrimp
I tossed it into a blender and filled ziploc baggies with the paste.
I rolled it flat and put it in the freezer. It didn't do so well. Nobody seemed interested in the foul smelling concoction. And the bottom feeders only mildly picked at it.
Well several months later Im gonna have another crack at it:
1 oz. portion of Razor clams
6 oz. Cod fillet
2 cups Freeze Dried Cyclopeeze
A couple large uncooked shrimp
1 oz portion of Muscles.
A couple sheets of pressed nori
3 OZ of sea Scallops.
1/2 Cup of Frozen salmon eggs.
I have half a bottle of Kent Marine vitamins, and some Garlic guard food flavoring. I was considering adding those mostly because I just want to get rid of them, I picked up a more expensive brand made with better ingredients. But as an experimental, I thought Id add vitamin supplements to this latest concoction.
I think the last batch was a fail because I was way too heavy on the squid, clams, and muscles. SO I significantly reduced/ eliminated those ingredients. Adding the Cyclopeze should be a significant addition as well as the vitamin supplements, in terms of making this healthy.
The salmon eggs when Blended in and the garlic should entice. I don't want to go heavy with eggs because they are oily. The cod is a white meat, so shouldn't be to fatty. The small amount of clams,muscles,and scallops balance it out, but wont over power the rest of the meal. And I don't want to go heavy on stuff that is not exactly the most nutritious.
And who doesn't like shrimp! To date, Mysis seems to be everyone's favorite...they just don't get bored of it. So thats why I added a few large shrimp to the mix.
Well thoughts or impressions?
What are some of your recipe's?


I am about to try limiptsreef recipe frome utoob. I will let you know how that turns out, had to order zoecon and selcon from eeba y. Then off to the seafood store!


Active Member
Just watched it. It was pretty clsoe to what I did my first batch. Instead of octopus I used squid.
I think he might have too much bottom feeder in that mix, seemed like an awfully high portion of clam,muscle,shrimp in relation to cyclopeze, octopus and cod.
I see he adds the vitamins, so thats good news for me.