Home made food?


Can anyone tell me how to make home made food to freeze? I did read a
thread about it-but not quite enough info for me. I have veggie eaters (tangs-clowns-cardinal). What kind of veggies do you use? I read about carrots-but what else? I would like to try this as it does sound much healthier than just feeding flakes.


Active Member
There is a basic description how to do this within the FAQ sticky at the top of this forum.
There are also other more specific recipes posted on the boards. Try doing a search to find these.


Thanks-I did get the basic from the FAQ but I was wondering about other veggies to use. I am new at this and don't want to do something wrong. So far I have had luck with the flakes but wanted to try something different,


Staff member
MLT: Good to hear that you're considering feeding your fish fresh foods. What type of fish do you have?
There are a lot of nice seaweed type of foods out there for vegetarian fish, but post up your fish. What type of tank do you have?
Flakes will be the least of what you want to use....


I my 125 gal tank I have LR-LS-2 marroon clowns-yellow tang-naso tang (which is a little piggy and will eat anything!) couple damsel-green madarin-cardinal-red spotted hawkfish-fox face. I also have alot of turbo snails-CBS-cleaner shrimp-couple peppermint shrimp and a horseshoe crab. Thanks for any info.


Staff member
I would suggest that you make up a meaty food mix for all your fish. Tangs are commonly thought of as "vegetarian" fish, but the truth is that a about 40% of their natural dietary needs are "meaty". That is not to say that they do not really need the vegetable foods---the certainly do.
Try getting a few varieties of SeaWeed Selects [algae sheets] which is sold for the hobby. Use a lettuce clip to attach the seaweed to see if the tangs go for it. If they are not used to this, it may take a day or 2 for them to start eating this. Tangs are "grazers" and need to pretty much have grazing opportunities every waking movment. Otherwise, they will not be healthy and may develop HLLE.
See the links below and let us know how the SeaWeed Selects works.


Thank you Beth-yes I do feed them algae sheets placed in a clip and yes they do eat it.
Thanks for the sites-I am checking them out now!