home made kalkwaser?

veni vidi vici

Active Member
tdog,pohtr you might want to start off with 1 teaspoon per gal and see how that works first .If you need to raise it then go ahead after a week trial period.Also keep track of your pH while you are trying to get your solution mixtures ratios.Also get your calcium ,magnesium and alkalinity where you want them ,the kalkwasser will not raise them but will help to maintain the calcium and alkalinity.


Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
I have a 30 Gal drip reservoir that i fill about every 2 weeks with 2 teaspoons per gallon.Without the help of vinegar you cant concentrate the solution any more that 2 teaspoons or the calcium hydroxide will fall out of solution.If i add less then 2 teaspoon the leftover in the bottom of the reservoir would dilute.
so the diluted isnt anygood if stired???are you saying i need to add 2 teaspoons everytime?

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by tdog7879
so the diluted isnt anygood if stired???are you saying i need to add 2 teaspoons everytime?
You need to find a mixture that suits your tanks needs,it may be 1/2 teaspoon per or 2 teaspoons per depending on your tanks needs.It also may be subject to change as your tanks needs change,more coraline algae means a higher demand for cal and alk ,same when you start adding more hard corals or as they grow.
If you start out with 1 teaspoon and your calcium and alkalinity remain stable the you dont need to increase your calcium hydroxide into the solution.
stirring isnt necessary after you mix it the first time,impurity will fall to the bottom and should be left there.