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few things
overjustification effect.... if you give too much praise they will do the opposite of what you want
you can always go for private school
yea expensive in some circumstances.. but better in some as well
its a lil better education.. it is what you make of it.....
you can get a good education anywhere..
and if ur a good parent and if your involved
you kids wont do "bad" drugs your kids wont sleep with everyone
everyone here that is over 30 really dont know what they are talkin about wen it comes to school cuz they havent been there in 15yrs
you think you do but u dont
you think all these drugs are everywhere
drugs are there if you want htem
you have to go looking for them to find them
kids will make their own decisions
u just need to be there to guide them
and wen i have kids i hope they smoke weed rather then drink
drinking can kill
weed cant kill(and it doesnt lead to other drugs)
one of the biggest reason children are homeschooled
is because there parents are too scared to let them live their own lives
if you dont let them live be prepared for a messed up adult who has trouble socializing
lol as a 24 year old, I graduated in may 07. And you are wrong, I went to an affluent high school no gang problems, but drugs where everywear, from
, steroids to crack. I didn't go "look for it" i didn't have to, it was offered to me every day. I can honestly say that out of 30 people on my baseball team 50% of them were using some sort of drugs from weed, and it is a gateway drug (The slippery slope argument is a good argument) to steroids. THC effects the nervous system simular to alcohol.
A 12 year old kid isn't old enough to "live their own lives" that is why you can't drink till your 21 or use tobacco till your 18, you can't drive till your 16, and you can't enter into a legal contract till your 18. Why in the world you you allow your kids to face something far worse when they are in still in jr high?