home theater/240g tank room


Active Member
Here is a pic of the stand the tank will sit on. Excuse the mess remodeling is a messy job. Anyway the bottom is a 4x4 sqaure that sits on the floor. Then on the corners I use more 4x4 going up. Then for the top I used 2x8's all the way around. The 4x4's going up were mitered so the 2x8's would sit on them. I will attach a drawing of what I am talkint about. There are some braces on the front. I put plywood on the top and there is some bracing under it as well.


Active Member
man slick that is going to be one sweet setup when its all done!
good luck and keep the pics coming!


Thanks for the response! Did you use plywood as the supports between the cabinet doors and above them or is that some type of other wood?
Thanks again,


Active Member
Slick - I don't mind seeing your progress. I live in a house that has at least one room looking like that all the time;) Hubby is great at the knocking down walls and adding rooms . I just have one question though. I have my tank in one room and home theater, stereo etc in another room. When I first started I heard loud noises bothered the fish ( and believe me our home theater/music room has LOUD noise). Is this not true? Cause I'm looking for a place to put up the old 55 gal and hadn't even considered that room.


Active Member
Debi, To tell you the truth I have seen a lot of people saying it will stress the fish and I have also seen a lot of people say it won't bother them. So it is going to be a wait and see type thing. I am going to do everything possible to help keep the vibrations away from the tank. I am going to insulate under my stand. By that I mean under the tank not the wall under the tank even though there will be some there also. Also I am going to trt to find some type of acoustic curtain to put in front of the tank during movie time. Hopefully this will absorb some of the sound and block the tanks light from the tv.
Ian all the wood on the canopy except the doors is 3/4 plywood.


Looks like progress in motion. Can't wait to see the finished project. Thanks for sharing the building of it. I'm always in the middle of remodeling something for the wife and it's fun to see the progress of others as they reach their goals. Good luck and enjoy.