Home Theater vs Reef


Does anyone know if vibration from home theaters is bad for reef inhabitants? After watching action movies or crankin the tunes I noticed there is no foam in the skimmer anymore. I know the fish can hear what goes on outside the tank and don't think thats a problem. I was curious if it is bad for inverts, and coral. Just don't want to stress anything out. Earthquake all the time!

mr . salty

Active Member
But I'm sure your tank's inhabatants would appreciate it.And possibly increase their survival rate. STEVE PS. try headphones, the music goes straight to your brain. kinda like MAINLINING.
[This message has been edited by MR . SALTY (edited 06-28-2000).]


I have two 12's behind my couch in an enclosure. The tank used to be close to that until I noticed the sound waves creating small ripples in the tank. So I moved the tank. It now resides in my bedroom. The tank HAD freshwater fish in it. I still blast my theater though.

mr . salty

Active Member
Sound does travel faster in water. Farther too. Thus the use of sonar by the navy to search underwater turned the war in the pacific in our favor. YOUR FISH ARE HEARING AND FEELING IT MORE THAN YOU... STEVE


Active Member
I agree with dolphns.
Move the tank and CRANK IT !!!!!
Don't give up one passion for another!
[This message has been edited by broomer5 (edited 06-29-2000).]


New Member
I am jealous, if the fish are feeling it
more than me. It sounds like some kind
of Philips Magnavox commercial doesn't
it? My fish are about 12ft away from
a 57" tv w/ surround and yet seem to
freak out more from us turing on the
ceiling lights than anything else.


New Member
sound travels 5x faster in water. if that speaker is near the tank it could be stressing out the fish.


Wow lots of response. I am a Recording Eng. and require a little more volume than typical. Too much high SPL exposure. I have exposed freshwater tanks to very high SPL with no ill effects that I am aware of. Just curious as to how inverts feel about climbing around on vibrating rocks. My purple tang doesn't seem to mind. He only had ich once. That was when I first bought him so I don't think he's been stressed by it. Can't move tank.


They really like it when you play,....
"Take me to the river,....drop me in the water,..." (sung in the tune "take me to the river,.... drop me in the water")
Don't the earth vibrate like distant fault lines, Volcanos etc??