Homemade fish food?



I would like to tart making my own fish food. I have 4 tanks now and need to figure out a way to save a little cash. How do yall make your own food for your tanks? Thanks for the help everyone has giving me.


I have access to alot of fresh seafood so i go down to the market and ask them for a sample of each of their products in scallops, large raw whole shrimp, squid, mussels and crab.
I catch my own razor clams locally.
add in a couple of the small cloves of garlic
wet some nori sheets down in RO water
throw it all in the vita mix blender/food processor and blend it into a paste.
lay down a cookie sheet with aluminum foil over the top, pour the paste onto the sheet then I push a section of egg crate the same size as the cookie sheet into the paste to divide them all up and stick em in the freezer. let freeze, remove from freezer and poke out all the squares and put them in a freezer ziplock.
6 months worth of food for 10- 15 bucks and quite possibly the best for the fish too.
just don't add any oily fish like salmon to the recipe, cod and halibut are ok if they are gotten cheap.


Active Member
heres my food, and if you scroll down through it there are some great ideas from others who spoke up on the thread.


We have found some of our fish don't care for the paste consistency. The last batch we made was too fine and the fish didn't care for it as much. I would imagine some of it is what they get used to and what kinda of fish you have. It seems to work best for us to use the same ingredients listed but blend about half of it and then fine mince half of it so the bigger fish have some chunks. The sailfin tang and trigger especially like that. We also add just a very small amount of salmon for the essential oils it contains, but not very much as it can be to oily. I have read mixed reviews on the salmon, but it has been in our tank for quite some time without any problems and the fish seem to like it. We used the same method as Jstvd8 with the egg crate, worked very well if you need small amounts. We feed alot of fish so I started using ice cube trays and it works well also. While letting an ice cube size defrost, we throw in a clove of fresh, slightly smashed garlic. I also throw in some premade dwarf angel food.


I should also mention that I use a knock off version of a slap chop to mince it all up before I put it in the tank, I never tried just dropping in a whole cube :p


Well-Known Member
hmm this is intresting and great info!
I use bought fish food for my mix. I usually add some diff things in a cup and defrost it and rinse it. Than i add more water and pouur it in the cup. Next i let it soak with 1 drop of garlic extract. Finally i turkey baster it to the big tank and dump the rest in the nano... seems cheaper however with the fresh seafoods u guys are using.


I buy frozen shrimp (black tiger shrimp), squid and scallops. I use a cheese grater to grate the pieces to be about the same size as mysis shrimp. I freeze everything in as flat and thin as possible in separate bags. So, whenever it is feeding time I just break a piece off and feed it to both my corals and fishies. The food will last me between a month or two depending on how much I buy.


The cheese grater is a good idea. We have done that before with frozen cubes of food that we need for smaller fish, but never while the food is still fresh. Might have to give that a try someday. We used our margarita maker the other day and I actually liked the results better than the food processor. With my food processor it seems to be really chunky or paste, difficult to get anything else. When I was done making cubes of food hubbie took a couple of cups of tank water and added it to the margarita blender, there was a small amount of food stuck in the bottom, and blended it till it was all liquid. He then let it set and separate for a couple of hours. He took a turkey baster and sucked some liquid off the top and feed his tank with it. The corals loved it, opened way up, and he has a dragon pipefish that we have never seen eat anything except for small copods that just went crazy for it. Personally I think we should make another batch of that and freeze that into small cubes just for the corals and pipefish.