I have been looking out here for a way to make a good Homemade Protein Skimmer. Does anyone know how, or can anyone direct me to a good site on how to?
also check out the thread: "powerhead question" posted a couple days ago in this forum. Amonst the you can find a couple leads there as well
BTW slothy, you have an awsome web site. Great Graphics. Only problem I have is when I click on a thumbnail, the photo comes up to big for my screen. Great site though.
Originally posted by jayster
also check out the thread: "powerhead question" posted a couple days ago in this forum. Amonst the you can find a couple leads there as well
BTW slothy, you have an awsome web site. Great Graphics. Only problem I have is when I click on a thumbnail, the photo comes up to big for my screen. Great site though.
what res are your running ? the pics are 800 X 600.. site is made for 1024.. which i hope our running unless your on a 14" or something.. so i assume you do a lot of scrolling on this site then too eh ?
STOY gave me this link so check it out, for protein skimmers go to to www.about.com and do a search for "DIY Protein Skimmer". I got a lot of hits on the subject. Thanks STOY!
Thanks ALL for your help and guidance. I'm not sure if it is just easier to buy a $100.00 smiller or just builda good one myself. But I will certainlytry to build a goodone if theprice is less that $50-60.
Thanks Again!
Start Date 10/18/02
90 gal
100lbs LS
75 lbs Base Rock
25 lbs Fiji coming soon
30 gal sump w/ culerpa algae, filter pads and bio balls also
15 watt actinic 03 bulb over sump
rio 2500 in sump (650-700 gph)
3 power heads at 270 gph in tank (one oscillates)
2 40 watt Trichromatic reflector lights
diatomatic filter used once a week