Homemade Tanks????


Ok I wan't to build my own Shark tank measurement's are as followed 72in long, 48in wide, 36in high, which is 628 gallons!! Now do I need a brace in the middle? I plan on useing 3/4in glass. Can I use plan old tank sealant or do I need cement? What about the plastic black edge that is found on most store bought tanks, you know on the top and bottom, do I need this? I plan on making a stand and canopy so I think I can do without. Oh yea the bottom is going to be either acrylic or plastic, whatever I can find. Any help whould be great.


You will definatly need cement. Glass or acrylic?
Acrylic is much easier to work with. as for the trim, it is just that trim work. I would brace it just to be safe.


Am I an engineer?, NO
Do I think of myself as having a good bit of common sense? YES!
Maybe I am totally wrong here but what you are talking about sounds like a disaster waiting to happen...
First off, 3/4" glass sounds a bit light, and yes you need crossbracing!!! Six feet long and three foot tall?? The water pressure would be tremendous! You would have to have some type of frame around the top AND the bottom, I cannot in my wildest dreams imagine plain old silicone holding glass butt joints together without some type of supporting structure...
You need to do some more , MUCH MUCH MUCH more research before attempting to undertake such a project.... Only my opinion but I stand by it firmly.
Maybe there are some engineer types that might see it differently but I really don't think I am that far off in my thinking...


Originally posted by schreff:
<strong>Ok I wan't to build my own Shark tank measurement's are as followed 72in long, 48in wide, 36in high, which is 628 gallons!!</strong><hr></blockquote>
Hi there,
I hafta agree, that this sounds like a recipe for disaster! Good luck if you decide to take on such a huge project!
FYI, I think it's actually going to be closer to 539 gallons:
6'* 4'* 3' = 72 cubic feet
72 * 7.48 = 539 gallons


Jester, how would I brace this monster? As for trim how could I make it. The reason for glass is because I don't like scratches plus acrylic is had to come by. I think glass would be easyer to get and alot less money.
Glazer, Well I understand about water pressure thats why I wouldn't fill it up till it sat in the stand and the canopy would belike 2in. down over the tank. It's going to sit in the stand 2in. also.


This is what I learned to figure out tank size..
Length x width x hight= divided by 231.
Correct me if i'm wrong.


<a href="http://www.garf.org" target="_blank">www.garf.org</a>
and 3/4 inch glass is IMO WAY TOO thin. i would be looking more in the 1 to 1.5 range :)
also my calc says that your tank is 538.597402597 gallons. and the TI-86 never lies!!!!!!!!!!! :D
<a href="http://www.garf.org" target="_blank">www.garf.org</a>
They have the plans all laid out for a 500gallon and a 140 gallon....I am thinking of trying the 140 first.......Great web site. :D


Von_Rahvin, this is how to measure tank volume.
<a href="http://www.garf.org/21/AQUARIUM529440.GIF" target="_blank">http://www.garf.org/21/AQUARIUM529440.GIF</a>


Thanx to all for the great feedback and the web site!!! I'm going to try it I hope it works out.


Active Member
538.597402597 gallons is exact...
You must have made a mistake in your calculations schreff...
Building a tank that big would be a coll thing to try. I would use Plywood for all sides except the front viewing area. You can get an epoxy coating for the wood and that would seal it. You would use 2x4 to support all sides except the front. Screws would hold it all togther. You would use sealent on the front where the wood meest the glass and then drop the front 2 inches into the stand and 2" into the top. The front bracing could also be done with 2x4 across the top and the bottom.
Kinda hard to see it but it works. I just read some articles about this due to the fact I hope to build one when I get a new house.


visit this site
<a href="http://www.mr4000.com" target="_blank">www.mr4000.com</a>
he builded this tank on his own
you can email and ask if you have any questions