Homer's New Tank Diary


Active Member
clsimons 29 are those reef replicas or real? they look so real but I see it looks like they are in the tank without water in a few pics, so I'm thinking they are replicas???


Originally Posted by sleasia
clsimons 29 are those reef replicas or real? they look so real but I see it looks like they are in the tank without water in a few pics, so I'm thinking they are replicas???

it is an artificial reef. Put water in the tank today and the colors were popin on it. Going to integrate it in w/live rock. will post a filled tank pic tommorow once sand settles.


Tank Filled w/water and running everything except the skimmer. Took pic and then tried to smooth out sand & coral but managed to cloud tank again

Pic is not that great but I'm going to go buy a cannon power shot today



Originally Posted by saltn00b
which powershot did you get? i am very pleased with the S2is
Looked at the S2is but could not justify the $$$. Thought I would be able to get one in the town next to me but ended up not being able to get any decent Camera in my area so ended up purchasing the Kodak Z650 online for a great price and they threw in some extras (upsold me) I'm currently on vacation in Hawaii so check out thread "Homers trip to Hawaii" to see some of the shots I have taken while here. Still learning to use the camera but have been pleased with the shots so far.
I have collected some cool rocks and shells to add to the tank when I get back and aquired some black rock/sand today. Been taking lots of underwaterphotos but have yet to get any developed. Taking a trip to Molekini on Monday so will get them developed after that. Will post if any turn out good. Will also post new pics of tank when I get back as LFS has about 120 lbs LR curing to place in the tank. Update everyone soon.


Haven't updated in awhile, have been busy catching up from my vacation. LFS will be in on Sunday to put LR in tank and make some mods to the plumbing system. He also found a 2 mth old double 250W MH w/ 2 95W actic blues for about $350, so I am gonna start w/those lights & add more watts if needed for corals. Will post new pics once we get it all in.


Well we finally got the live rock in. Put about 100lbs overall and spaced in some rock and dead coral I picked up on vacations into the structure and some black sand from my trip to Hawaii. I think I am going to get another 50-60 lbs to build up the center some more. Wasn't able to get the lights yet but hopefully will have in next couple of weeks.



Active Member
Tank is coming along Very nice. I rlly like that fake reef on the side. Id like that tank. Just curious how much did the tank cost you with the stand. Not includind lr and sand.?
Cant wait to see fish in it!


Originally Posted by TriGa22
Tank is coming along Very nice. I rlly like that fake reef on the side. Id like that tank. Just curious how much did the tank cost you with the stand. Not includind lr and sand.?
Cant wait to see fish in it!
Thanks! I paid $1,500 for the tank,stand, hood(not on yet), and all the plumbing & filtration with the LFS doing complete set up for me.
I am liking the overflow cover more & more but I am considering cuting the fake amenone (orange branching) in the middle off. What do you think? Cut or leave as is?


Active Member
depending on the brand, you might find that the colors are a little bit off and dont look right with the real, living , breathing, pulsing thing right next to it. also, you may get build up on it like detritus and coralline algae... just things to look out for, keep us informed as it matures.


Active Member
Its coming along nicely I have never seen a fake reef like that but it actually doesn't look bad keep us posted as it ages


I love your fake reef, don't cut it. Rip it out and send it to me>>>
Your tank is looking really lovely, can't wait to meet it's new tenants.


I appreciate the compliments!! I am off on another trip tommorow, San Francisco this time so maybe the tank will be cycled by the time I get back and we can start putting a few things in, and maybe the LFS guy will have gotten my lights.....trying to get a dbl 400 W MH kit. Update everyone when I get back and thank for the compliments.