Homer's New Tank Diary


Here are a few of the new occupants in my tank. My arrow crab, cleaner shrimp, and a new green recordia coral -hasen't opened up yet. Got the rest of the stuff in also but no pics. My wife the vet was able to get me some IV drip lines from her practice and that made acclimatization very easy.



Man that's outstanding!
I want to go back to the fake reef structure, if I may as I also have an overflow I'd like to camoflage a bit. Is it hard plastic or resin material, or something else?
I saw an inside-the-tank background at a not-so LFS (Sacramento/CA) that was very soft, flexible foam replicating a rock-face, but I neglected to make note of the brand.


Originally Posted by f14peter
Man that's outstanding!
I want to go back to the fake reef structure, if I may as I also have an overflow I'd like to camoflage a bit. Is it hard plastic or resin material, or something else?
I saw an inside-the-tank background at a not-so LFS (Sacramento/CA) that was very soft, flexible foam replicating a rock-face, but I neglected to make note of the brand.
Thanks! I bought this tank used so I do not know exactly what the artificial part is made of but the "rock" parts are very solid prob some type of resin and the "corals" are somewhat flexiable. The whole unit is very heavy. I would love to find an insert for the background in the tank that just looked like Live rock.


I picked up a blue hippo and a red scooter blennie today and two new corals sold as a colored sand polyp and a Giant cup mushroom(may be a pagoda cup) Looking for a positive ID on the corals see my thread in Reef tanks. I am in the middle of acclimatizing them right now and yes there is plenty of water in there pic makes it look very shallow.



Active Member
the green one looks like a plate coral...and the other is hard to tell how you have it...might be easier to tell after you take some pics once it gets settled in the tank.


Well the mushroom coral has opened up nicely and the plate coral has moved around somewhat and my blue hippo is out and about but is very shy and is loving going up & down the corner of my aquarium, my blue/green chromis did the same thing when I 1st put them in so I assume he will get used to the tank at some point. I still have not seen him eat anything I have put in the tank, flakes and pellets. He always goes into hiding when I approach the tank.



Active Member
just wonder, if you are doing an actual reef and have the 400 watt halides, why did you go with the fake-reef overflow?


Originally Posted by fishieness
just wonder, if you are doing an actual reef and have the 400 watt halides, why did you go with the fake-reef overflow?

Thanks for all the compliments! In answer to Fishieness question, I purchased this tank used and it came with the tank for one and secondly I like how it has turned out my fish love it! I also plan on attaching some live corals to it and the coraline algea is spreading nicely accross it so it won't be "fake" for long. Thanks


a couple things,
ill start with fish. the red scotter blenny isnt a blenny at all its a dragonet and unless it will eat frozen foods which is very rare you need to add live pods. second. in the most recent picture of the hippo its obviouse youve done some major photoshoping. it some times its good like barly changing light or color to make it look how it looks in your tank. but what youve done to your picture makes it so i can barly see the fish. its important you make it look how it really does so people on here can point out things that are happping to your fish. like sicknesses, wounds or other things that you may have not notticed and i think it looks better...lastly you should really look in to getting the right foods. the chromis should be fed frozen mysis. probably a cube every other day, the hippo needs to be fed greens. like nori and formula 2. nori you can get at almost any grociery store. its pretty much dried sheets of algae and sea weed used for sushi. you can rubber band hlaf a sheet to a small peice of rock about every other day. along with the mysis you will only find formula 2 at fish stores. they both come in little ice tray looking things. if you ask someone at the fish store im nearly possitive theyll know what youre talking about.
now for corals. first, you should be adding something for them to filter feed with i perticularly like kents consitrated series of filter feeding food. again ask someone at the fish store theyll help you out. second the plate coral needs to eat meaty foods like mysis. just turn off the flow in your tank and gentally place some mysis on its tenicals. lastly that cup mushroom will eat fish. perching fish like the scotter blenny will perch on it and the mushroom will close aorund it and eat it. now thats not the only kind of mushroom that will do that so im sure you can take it back and trade for a little colony of some greenstripes, bullseyes or somethinglike that
looking good so far,


just read something else. if you actually have agreen brittle. it eill kill EVERYTHING. get it out now! and you shouldnt have even added a star for 6 monthes same with aneomnes


Originally Posted by NateP206
a couple things,
ill start with fish. the red scotter blenny ......
looking good so far,

Oh where do I start! 1st I do appreciate your compliment at the end and I do value the information people have given me in this posting with that said. On your accusation of "photo shopping” You would be better off keeping your high-hand opinions to yourself because outside of using infraview to fit the picture to post I do no photo shopping of any of my pics. Secondly I do not appreciate you talking down to me and if that is how you like to "help" people you can keep your opinions to yourself and stay out of my posting because I DO NOT NEED YOU! I do realize that my red scooter is of the dragonet family and I do know what they eat, Yes I do have algae sheets that I put in my tank, Yes I do feed with Phytoplankton, and Yes I have hand fed the corals. I do NOT need to "hide" anything as if I see a problem I will ASK for help. I do not have to post every detail of what I do because I assume that most people here have intelligence and I do not have to spell everything out for them and if they have a problem or question of what I am doing they can simply ASK before they make themselves look stupid. So if you want to preach than take it elsewhere because I do not want to hear it from you but if you want to help and think you may have an idea that can help then ask me what I do before you start and do NOT talk down to me.


:notsure: oh jeez man im sorry
im sorry if i came off that way to you. i was not talking down to you. thats one of the few things i hate about these boards people read it and assume they know what tone of voice i have. if you re read me post in a nice cherry voice i dought anyone could get mad at it. i am so sorry if icame of as talking down.
about the photo shopping thing. if you didnt photoshop it then something happened with the flash or something because no hippo looks like that. onless of coarse if you have a rdioactive hippo which would be pretty cool too. and i wasnt accusing you of trying to hide something. i was just trying to let you know (just in case you didnt) that it may have negitive consequences
Originally Posted by clsimons29
I still have not seen him eat anything I have put in the tank, flakes and pellets.
now this is why i went in to detail about the food. you say what youve put in the tank are flakes and pellets whichisnt a good enough diet for any marine fish imo. and i was trying to help you so yo ucould get youre fish and corals the right food. then you go on to say in your responce to me that you have algae sheets and you hand feed your corals. you say in your public profile that youre a salt water newbie. and you hadnt said since your post about the flakes and pellets that you got the hippo eating algae sheets so i was trying tohelp you find a food that he would take to.
lastly in your responce to me you said i preached to you, talked down to you and pretty much insulted my intelegence which i do not appriciate.now heres a tipp. next time you read somebodies post. be opptimistic about it and assume they are being nice. cause most ofthe time theyrnt gunna be tlaking down to you. you stated in youre responce to me that you dont need me, to take myself else where and to not post in your postings. if you still feel like you dont want me to post in your threads i wont. but it is a public forum and people wont be as nice to respect your wishes.

p.s. if it still ends up u dont want me to post in here i wont but ill still be following this thread cause youre tank looks like its gunna be pretty amamzing.