Homers Trip to Hawaii


Hey everybody I finally have an internet connection so I am going to upload some pics from our trip so far. We just finished the AVMA convention in Honolulu and are now in Maui @ Kapulua. Took some great classes on aquatics @ the convention, nutrition, water quality, disease in aquatic fish, & coral husbandry class's. I have talked to the speakers and they are going to send me the slide shows so I can make them available to everyone.
Here are pics of the Wakkii aquarium, will post my underwater shots once I get them developed. :happyfish



A few more pics from the Maui Aquarium. I was very impressed by this aquarium. They have lots of open space aquariums and use a lot of natural light on them. The also use a partial open system that takes in seawater, filters it, runs it through the tanks, and then filters it again and releases back in the ocean. They had a huge skimmer and calcium reactor about 15-20 ft tall. The shark tank was about 750,000 gallons and if you make a "donation" they will let you dive in the tank with the sharks. They have a 15ft tiger shark in that tank :scared: Couldn't resist posting the last pic of the beach.
