I had to write a lame survey for a research methods class and I was wondering if you all would take a look and tell me what you think. Be picky.
1)Do you currently run a protein skimmer?
A. YesB. No
2)Do you currently have a refugium connected to your system?
A. YesB. No
3)Do you grow macro algae as a means of filtration?
A. YesB. No
4)Do you have a deep sand bed (over four inches) in your display tank?
A. YesB. No
5)Do you currently run a phosphate reactor?
A. YesB. No
6)What is the total water volume of your system?
A. < 5 gallons B. 5-15 gallonsC. 16-30 gallonsD. 31-75 gallons
E. 76-125 gallons F. 126-180 gallons G. >181 gallons
7)Please circle any types of corals that you are currently keeping in your system:
A. Soft/LeatherB. Large Polyp Stony C. Small Polyp Stony
D. Gorgonian E. Coral Anemones
8)What types of lights do you currently use over your display?
A. Normal Output Fluorescent B. High Output Fluorescent
C. Very High Output Fluorescent C. Metal Halide D. Compact Fluorescent
9)How many times in the last week have you tested salinity or specific gravity?
10)How many times in the last week have you tested for nitrate?
11)What percentage of new water added to your system comes from purified (reverse osmosis, deionized, distilled) water?
A) 100%B) 99-75%C) 74-50%D) 49-25%E) < 24%
12)What percentage of your total system water have you changed in the last month?
A) 100-75%B) 74-50%C) 49-25%D) 24-15%E) 14-5%
F) 5-1% G) Did not perform a water change
13) Do you ever hire another hobbyist or company to maintenance your system?
A) YesB) No
14) Do you currently use a wet/dry style filter?
A) YesB) No
15)Do you use live rock as a filter in your system?
A) YesB) No
1)Do you currently run a protein skimmer?
A. YesB. No
2)Do you currently have a refugium connected to your system?
A. YesB. No
3)Do you grow macro algae as a means of filtration?
A. YesB. No
4)Do you have a deep sand bed (over four inches) in your display tank?
A. YesB. No
5)Do you currently run a phosphate reactor?
A. YesB. No
6)What is the total water volume of your system?
A. < 5 gallons B. 5-15 gallonsC. 16-30 gallonsD. 31-75 gallons
E. 76-125 gallons F. 126-180 gallons G. >181 gallons
7)Please circle any types of corals that you are currently keeping in your system:
A. Soft/LeatherB. Large Polyp Stony C. Small Polyp Stony
D. Gorgonian E. Coral Anemones
8)What types of lights do you currently use over your display?
A. Normal Output Fluorescent B. High Output Fluorescent
C. Very High Output Fluorescent C. Metal Halide D. Compact Fluorescent
9)How many times in the last week have you tested salinity or specific gravity?
10)How many times in the last week have you tested for nitrate?
11)What percentage of new water added to your system comes from purified (reverse osmosis, deionized, distilled) water?
A) 100%B) 99-75%C) 74-50%D) 49-25%E) < 24%
12)What percentage of your total system water have you changed in the last month?
A) 100-75%B) 74-50%C) 49-25%D) 24-15%E) 14-5%
F) 5-1% G) Did not perform a water change
13) Do you ever hire another hobbyist or company to maintenance your system?
A) YesB) No
14) Do you currently use a wet/dry style filter?
A) YesB) No
15)Do you use live rock as a filter in your system?
A) YesB) No