Honey & Nutz Foundation


New Member
Hi! Right now I have two small fish, Honey, a pork puffer and Nutz, a picasso trigger. In a couple years, I will get them a larger tank, however, I have no clue how much it will cost.
I know it will be expensive(I'm prepared for that!), but I would like to know the average price of a fish-only, acrylic, 150 gallon aquarium.
150 gallon acrylic aquarium
Stand & hood
Light fixtures
Should I invest in a sump also? How much would that cost?
My 55 gallon, with everything plus decor, cost about $1100, so would my future aquarium be about $3000? I know it will all vary, but I'd like to get an idea of how much I should save for the future.
Thanks! :D