Hope for LFS

mr llimpid

Yesterday stopped in my favorite LFS just to see what new fish were in. A couple were looking at maroon clowns, wanting to get a pair of them. The first question the sales guy asked was what size tank do you have, there response was 14gal. (I cringed) sales guy replied that will be to small of a tank for even 1 clown min. size would be a 30gal for a normal clown and maroons get even larger. I felt better that my favorite LFS gave out good advise, but that didn't stop him from showing them the gobies, lol, make that sale I want them to stay in business. Were would I get my food.


New Member
What kind of food do you want to get. Dry food; get Order online. I get seaweed strips at the the local Asian market and rub them in garlic, i also get live food (shrimp) there.

mr llimpid

I would be cautious with the one from the market. Make sure they are not seasoned and all so they way they are dried. I forgot the reason but I switched back to the ones sold for fish because of it. You pay more but I rather be safe than sorry.