Hope your fish are not afraid of heights...


Active Member
That has got to be the most retarded tank ever. Why in the world would someone want that?
I know what I'm gonna do... I'm going to build a tank with all opaque sides. I'll call it the Uselesquarium.
Or maybe one made out of cardboard... the leaksquarium?
It's interesting that someone would spend that much to get .. that. Maybe I'm just jealous. My tank being all enjoyable and such... boy am I missing out.


The design kind of makes it like an ant farm for fish. You should see their site and the filter that goes along with it. I'm trying to figure out if the filter hangs from the ceiling as well.
Is it just me or does 73 gallons of saltwater hanging above your head have impending doom written all over it?


Active Member
LFS in Ft. Lauderdale as had one of these tanks for a while now. More 'modern art' then anything. Just a crap load of damsels/chromis I believe (might have gone FW now). I have no idea why the one in the link is that high, the local one is at regular viewing hieght?


Active Member
would love to find out how much one costs... and what kind of "state of the art" filtration is used... IMO isnt practical for a home, but the picture of the 3 in the bar is pretty kewl...


With the tapered ends, it doesn't seem like it would be all that effective for some of the fish that they advertise that you can keep in those tanks. The 55 & 73 Gal tanks are only 12 inches wide at their widest and taper down to a point, but in their aquascapes section they advertise large Lion fish and tangs... I guess they are supposed to hang around the middle??

Cool Idea, but seems poorly executed. Oh yeah and with my luck I would find one of my cats hanging from the darn thing


Active Member
Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE
what did you expect? they are from canada. eh?

Hey, now....