Someone please talk me out of doing something I know I shouldn't! There is a pet store here in town that has a salt water fish section. It is absolutely in the worst condition I have ever seen. It has been going steadily down hill since they got into the salt water fish business a month ago. They have only one person in the store who knows anything about the tanks (and obviously he is not at the knowledge level required for this sort of endeavor) and no one else will assume any responsibility. I went in today and it is the worst yet....many of their tanks are so bad that all the fish either died or had to be moved....and they have two large tanks that are overstocked with fish that should not be mingled...they have tangs, puffers, angels, eels, lionfishes, triggers, clowns, about 15 that are over 5 inches each crammed into a 55 gallon tank. In this same tank is a tiny porky puffer (about 2 inches long) that I have been watching....his tail is eaten off, he is covered in ick (along with everything else in the tank)....I am so tempted to buy him....I know I could save him...but I don't want to support what they are doing. Everything looked awful today...their percula clowns were covered in disease and floating tail down struggling for air....they had a beautiful box fish and he was covered in ick....everything they have is doomed to death. Their corals are taken over by algae and dying. And what really irks me is that I have talked to the guy that supposedly "knows" about swf....and he tells me they are putting in a new system and that is why the tanks look bad...yet today, he was in atlanta buying more swf!!! To put in these horrid tanks with already sick and dying made me so sick to think of all the beautiful creatures that are dying...I really want to save that puffer....I have one at home that I raised from a tiny baby and it just tears my heart to see one so mistreated....I know I shouldn't....but I want to save him....they know he's sick...I even tried to convince them to sell him cheaper to let me try to save him...they still want full price! For all their sick and dying there anything to be done? I have already this day reported them to the department of agriculture....what else can I do?