Horrible News


Just another example of the general populace picking up the tab for a couple of losers. Unfortunately you belong to a high risk demographic group. It's the same principle as why a young person pays so much for car insurance when they may never have and never will have an accident. It's not fair but it is life.


Active Member
Thnx again guys, man i thought i was going to die, lol. Basically, rental insurance is going to cost my ONLY 149 dollars a YEAR, maybe less but compared to the 500 for my two aquariums... oh man... So now i can bring them, I just had to say... I LOVE YOU ALL


Active Member
Man I have spent 20 minutes reading through all of these threads and trying to get to the end to offer babysitting your tank in princeton until you can break the lease or find another place to live, but by the time I got to the bottom of the threads to reply, the crisis had been solved. Now my only last piece of advice is that after you set up your tank in your new apartment, invite this nice landlady up to "pet" your pretty lionfish.:D


Active Member
sleasia, thank you so much for the thought...
Oh man, I don't know what I would have done if i couldn't bring my tanks... I mean by giving them up or away is giving up my life, for real. Jeesh what a scare... but thnx for the offer:D
Hey, if everything dident workout then you could have just covers up you're tanks with a blanket or something. LOL Glad that everything worked out.

the claw

Active Member
It sucks, but I can kind of understand why they do it. Say you are on the bottom floor, and the guy above you overflows his sump, or has a party, and someone puts their head through the tank or knocks it over, all of that water goes somewhere. Down says Newton. Does the guy pay for all the damage NO. Alot of places these days don't give you an option. They just say no to fish tanks and water beds. Then you have the idiots who live upstairs and put in a 150 gallon tank with 300 lbs of liverock, and 200 pound of sand..... you get the picture. The tank comes crashing through the floor crushing the co-ed below. At least they give you an option. (One that sucks) Cool on the insurance. Hope it works out.


Active Member
Well guys, thanks again for everything. I'm home at my new apartment in groton connecticut and it's great. I have my twenty gallon in my bedroom and the fifty five in the living room. THe roomies love them. In fact, when we didn't have TV they all just stared at my fifty five when we weren't watching movies. During the move there has been no fish loses which is excellent, but sadly yesterday I found a dead turbo snail and my cleanershimp that i have had forever has passed away. Nothing killed him, his body was mint but now the other cleanershrimp won't leave the cave. It was always funny how they left the cave in pairs, I guess it was in defense. My small tomato clown has the white spot disease, from the stress of the trips, but he is doing better with progress. Once again, I thank you all for your concern and it is great to have them here with me. Well, everything worked out great so thank you all. I won't be able to be on as often because we only have one phoneline and have to wait two or three weeks for DSL to kick in. Thanks again and good luck.


Active Member

Originally posted by killafins
Thnx again guys, man i thought i was going to die, lol. Basically, rental insurance is going to cost my ONLY 149 dollars a YEAR, maybe less but compared to the 500 for my two aquariums... oh man... So now i can bring them, I just had to say... I LOVE YOU ALL

do you hear yourself? NOT ONLY is it cheaper, but all your stuff is now gonna be covered. theft, fire, and so on.
NOW, for the trick, you ought to see if your roomie would want insurance, and split it. Like i said, it not only covers damage to your tank, but your books, clothes and all your belongings. EVEN, your skivies.


Active Member
i tried to split the rental insurance but they told me that... sure he can give me money for it but his stuff won't be covered. Meaning that he has to get his own. Yes, the things you listed are just extras, having the fish tanks (as crappy as they are) is all i need.


I guess you could say I'm just a bad person. My landlady isn't around my place enough to see that I have an aquarium. It's even in plain sight if you would look thru my all-glass sliding door to the deck! She never even checked my stuff when I moved in. No checks at all, for that matter. Although, being as I am in the ghetto, there is MUCH more "worthwhile" appartments that she should be checking. (I just about get stoned walking down my hallway some nights!)
There's supposed to be a monthly charge here, not sure what it is, but it's NOT small, and a damage deposit, 50% non-refundable, that should have happened, but, well, what are you gonna do? :D


Active Member

Originally posted by killafins
i tried to split the rental insurance but they told me that... sure he can give me money for it but his stuff won't be covered. Meaning that he has to get his own. Yes, the things you listed are just extras, having the fish tanks (as crappy as they are) is all i need.

I thought rental insurance was on the home, not the individual. My sister had one policy with ther fiancee, and when a pipe broke, they covered all his stuff too. Of course, it may be different for college housing. However, if they are only covering the tanks, i would get on all your belongings, it should not be much more, if that is the case. Maybe 20 or so a year more.


Active Member
Hmmm... I'll ask again but they said the only exception to this was married couples and uhh... yeah.
Well I think that's the thing. If my tank broke insurance would cover the damage meaning there stuff. But if someone robbed the place, only my stuff would be covered.