Horse Shoe


New Member
Im just trying to find out what the general consences is on horse shoe crabs in reef tanks. Are they good to have or indifferent, and are they easy to keep. I have never heard a word about them hear.


horse shoe crabs stir the sand around and if your rock sits right on the sand with no frame to support it i can come crashing down which is BAD but besides that there good for moving sand but they are easy to keep
The only problem is they are pod eaters and will depleate a tank of pods quite quickly as they grow, according to the LFS anyhow.


I have 2 and so far they're great! When the lights come on they come out and get in the sand. They get right in the front of the glass and run back and forth for a long time. What's really cool is watching them swim around. I haven't had any problems but then i don't have a whole lot of stuff on my rocks yet either. Good luck!


New Member
I got one from a fish store and it was the coolest thing I've ever seen! I bought it and put it in my 125 and it went under the sand and I've never seen it again. Has that ever happened to anyone?


New Member
I have one of these cool looking little guys. I bought him for 6 bucks about a month ago. I have only seen him twice. Once by mistake when I was moving a rock around. They are cool if you ever see them.


I bought mine from and he is the coolest thing in the world! (When I see him) After I put him in my tank i never saw him.... like for months. Well I guessed he was dead! I was wrong, one day I needed to move my tank and I was moving my hand through the sand and I stuck my hand on his tail.... they are kind of sharp! He was in great shape..... I hope he is still good!


They are not DSB safe but other then that they are fine.


Horseshoe Crabs will not live long in water that is warmer than low to mid 60's, and should not be kept in reef tanks that don't meet their comparatively low temperature requirements. Imagine what it would be like if our home thermostats were set at at 100 degrees . . . and we couldn't leave the house . . . EVER!!! Sounds kinda cruel, doesn't it?


Jakob4001....i ordered them in a custom invert package from but now after what sangy said i kinda wished i hadn't. They're my fav's in the tank...gonna feel really bad if they die. I've only had them since the 14th of December and they're still really active. The longest i've gone with not seeing them is probably about 12 hours. One of them got sucked down into my sump once so i had to move him back to the tank. The other one is too big tho and just gets stuck so i have to help him...but that's only happened a couple of times.


Active Member
I would say they are benificial when very small for stirring the sand, but have you ever seen one at the beach in FL? They get to be about 24" long, and they will starve to death long before reaching that size in all but the largest most established tanks. I would avoid them if possible. HTH