HorseShoe Crab Question


I have a horseshoe crab and it has been acting strange the last couple of days. It has been on it's back and not moving and swimming like it normally does. I checked my levels and they are all inthe green. I think it may be caught in the molt, but i really don't know. Could anyone help, any information would be appreciated.


I have it in a 29G with various shrimp, and snails, a clown, a 4-stipe damsel, a yellow tail damsel, a firefish, and a 6-line wrasse.
Nothing else is haveing any problems.
Just the horseshoe crab, please help, as i am really worried about him, he is my favorite invert in the tank, screw that, favorite thing in the tank alltogether.


Active Member
how long have you had him? I hate to tell you horseshoe crabs need a much larger tank than what you have. They go through the sand very quickly and eat it bare. Unless you feed him yourself he will inevitably starve to death. Most likely hes in his initial death throes. I've seen it plenty of times before.


We have had him about 6 months, and he has molted twice, we were never told that we needed a much bigger tank, how do you feed him?
I really don't want him to die. How can i get him better?
Please help me.


Active Member
I will admit that I do not know how to take care of a horseshoe crab. However I do not have good news for you. First off I will admit that I had some in my tank. They have since passed on. But I did see some at the local aquarium. They can grow to 6" to 8" in diameter. Just thought I would pass on what little I know.


Yeah, we found out about the unusual growth after i got him.
I still would like to keep him alive.
Please help, he is still looking bad. I don't like to beg, but i really want someone to help me get him better.


New Member
I volunteered at an aquarium where I handled horseshoe crabs, and I was told to stick a piece of krill under their shell. You might want to soak it in Garlic Xtreme which might help the horseshoe crab recover. Also, they need tons of open space to forage for food. If you are going to keep him I would think about rearranging your live rock.


Thanks i will try that, i am going to flip him over and put some food under him for him to eat tonight, and i will get some of that Garlic Xtreme and give him some more.