Horseshoe Crab


They get real big (about 1 2/3 ft from front to back). And need lots of open space to move.
I used to go to the beach as a kid and play with them in the fall when they would come out to mate. (didn't know better back then) But the do get quit large. I think they are OK in a reef tank, as log as they have room, but you may want to ask some others too


Active Member
Don't have one - but they are sand sifting bull dozers which knock off rock work. They are very cool to watch swim and would be neat in a larger tank with little to no rock work and a DSB for them to burrow in.....


oh didnt know they get that big. Well i just thought they were cool looking but definitely too big for my tank.


very neat though, something like 300 million years old. one of those speices that didn't need evolution--got it right the first time. :) i hear they're actually more closely related to arachnids than crustaceans.


Active Member
Yes, horseshoe's are actually relatives of mites, not crabs. Very interesting and often clumsy animals, but they do need lots of room, not to mention they reek havoc on a DSB. I've never had one, BTW, but have done research on them.
I have a small horseshoe crab and he is the coolest thing in the tank. I imagine he will get big as I understand It can ake many many years to outgrow my tank. I have a 75g with a 5" DSB.. he does burrow and dig, but doesnt disturb my rock (about 60 lbs) It also good to have sand sifting inverts in the tank, so...he is so cool to watch.. Also, he only comes out in the afternoon.. Dunno why though. maybe to swim around. They are not good swimers , he will start out in a run and then take off and swim upside down tossing in the PH's..I sit and watch him find his place where he burrows and sleeps but he wil go for hours just digging then changing his mind.. so, i usually dont see where he goes... I imagine if he died while he was under the sand I would have to scour around looking for him.........He seems pretty hardy!!!! .Oh, and he eats meaty foods.
I say, if you like them, get a small one... you can enjoy it for many many years..
Thanking you kindly, Kim


i have had a horse shoe crab for over a year now and he hasnt grown the slightest he helps with the sand alot and is good to have.


i think the idea of keeping a horseshoe crab is interesting because of how they look and their signifigance in biology and evolutionary history, but to actually keep them for your ornamental fish tank is another story. it is a hardy creature but to take them from their enviroment and putting it in a tank is really limiting and altering their natural lifestyle. i think they are for the most part pretty boring in a tank after the initail awe. they burrow and stay under the sand often and you either don't know where it is or whether it is alive. when they do climb around they get around awkwardly and seems to be struggling to get free most of the time rather than foraging, and could get stock between rocks . i think the only natural setting would be a wide field of sand bed with no rocks in the way, and i doubt that many tanks can provide that. i don't think it should be a pet at opinion only...
Hey if you can get them small get one they are awesome for sand algea..... he had the problem with sand algae and once he got that little guy it all want away...... just be ready to part with him when they get to big..... LPS will usaully take them once they get to big and trade for a smaller one that is what he has been doing for the past 2 years now once my SW tank is up i am getting one good luck
well, just a thought.. they are gonna sell them.. so, why not buy one..
if you dont , someone else will!
your never gonna stop them form catching them and selling them.. So, if they are cool and you have a big system for them.. why not??
just my 2 cents...:D
Thanking you kindly, Kim


Kim, You are a neighbor but we can still disagree. If everyone stopped buying them,they WOULD stop selling them. Wouldn't they? "Everyone else does it",doesn't make it right.


I just got two small ones for my tank and they swam around for a while and then burrowed and have not come up since. i got freeze dried shrip to feed them but have no clue how i will end up giving it to them since when they are burrowed, feeding is useless.. when they are running around, it is useless.... so how the hell do you feed these guys???


Active Member
These were bought in my pre days. I bought 3 horsheshoe crabs for my aquarium. Today I was at the Long Beach aquarium and I saw some horseshoe crabs that were 6 inches in diameter. One of the crabs was 8 inches in diameter. I will now try and get the crabs out of my tank and donate them to the aquarium.



Originally posted by elan
I just got two small ones for my tank and they swam around for a while and then burrowed and have not come up since. i got freeze dried shrip to feed them but have no clue how i will end up giving it to them since when they are burrowed, feeding is useless.. when they are running around, it is useless.... so how the hell do you feed these guys???

i have same problem...they only come out at night. like 3 am night. How do you feed them. I have had one for about 4 months and no food so far....seem ok he comes out all the time and burrows
well mine comes out whenever he wants.. he will find fod on the bottom to scrounge on.... and snad bugg etc.. so he is probably eating but you dont see it.. =
Thanking you kindly, Kim


very interesting creatures... i came home the other day and found mine going crazy then setteling down upside down.. i thought he had died... a few mintues later, i was going to take him out and realized he had molted... never new these guys did that.. but that is pretty cool!!


Active Member

Originally posted by KimKissyFish
well, just a thought.. they are gonna sell them.. so, why not buy one..
if you dont , someone else will!
your never gonna stop them form catching them and selling them.. So, if they are cool and you have a big system for them.. why not??
just my 2 cents...:D
Thanking you kindly, Kim

KIM - WRONG - if people stoppped buying them then the LFS would stop sellign them ....
Hey - the drug dealer sells crack lets buy it - if not someone else will ....
Not to flame you but if you inserted if you inserted any of the following in front of your first sentence then it would still make sense
Dime Bag
Fish Caught using Cyanide (or other toxins)
Elephant Tusks
I tend to be more on the tree hugger side than most - but c'mon.... these creatuers have lived for millions of years and are not meantto be kept in a shwo tank. You have a 220+ gallon tank to devote to these guys then go for it .... but even then they will get too large.
But hey - that's just my $0.02 worth


I have one that is great. I plan on selling him, or giving him back to the LFS as soon as he gets too big. I see mine about once every three days or so. So he must be finding enough food under the sand. I have never had one disturb the rock (he is too small now, about as big as a dollar piece). He is great to watch, whether he is "swimming" or walking around. I have not had mine molt yet, though have read that they are VERY touchy when they do. Hopefully mine will be fine, he is my favorite part of my tank!