Horseshoe Crab


Active Member
They usually starve after a very long slow starvation. They do grow very slowly, but should molt more often when young. KimKissyFish, they completely DESTROY any functioning of a DSB....they kill life in the bed that would have slowly churned it, but it doesn't even matter since the crab is letting in way too much oxygen for the DSB to work anyway. Very cool creatures though...copper based blue blood...9 eyes (I think) if you count photosensors, ................yes, I have kept them, but won't recommend them now after I know the truths.


i put a nylon screen about halfway in my 4-6" dsb. so that the horeshoe crab cant get to all the good stuff underneath.
OK OK I agree about the statement I made....
I am agsinst buying puppies from pet stores and I have heard that if people stop buying them then they would stop selling them.. I guess true, but due to human nature, it will never happen! Oh well....
I got one, saw it and bought it cuz it was cute.. =( Hopefully he will live a long time.
Thanking you kindly, Kim