Hospital Tank and Ick quest



i will think about a hydrometer.
is any brand better than another?
to b honest i will most likely just ---- it


bought it... wont be here for a few days but hopefully it will help when i get it
it's a good thing to have neway right?
thanks for all your help!!


Originally Posted by jamiegrl
I think that's where im curious... is hypo even doing anything?
The will be in hypo less than the 3 weeks teatment and put them in the DT earlier than the suggested 6-10 weeks.
The tank will be fallow for a total 3.5 weeks.
I know no one can tell me if it will be enough because it's a huge chance
but is what im doing futile? will my short hypo tx do anything?
and once i put them back they will be exposed again
anything else I can do?
Im just stuck....
I will keep this HT cycling in hopes that if ick comes back I can treat it with a properly cycled tank
How will they be in hypo less than three weeks? They have already been in a week, showing no signs of ich, and you have three and a half weeks left. You can raise the SG when you have five days left. Do it in small increments.
Originally Posted by jamiegrl

bought it... wont be here for a few days but hopefully it will help when i get it
it's a good thing to have neway right?
thanks for all your help!!
Yes, the refractometer is great to have.
Beth, you are not at all concerned about the DT? Do you think it will be fine? It is shady ground here. I don't want to steer her wrong and she comes home to ich and dead fish, nor do I want her corals and inverts hurt by raising the temp.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
In respect to rising you’re temp to accelerate the life cycle of ick and its effect on your corals. In the natural setting for corals the most diverse coral reefs have water temperatures between 82 and 87 degrees F. that being said the most detrimental effect on your corals will not be the rise of temp but the fluctuation. IMO the time restraints you are under would constitute a need to slowly raise your temp to facilitate the eradication of ick and should not posse an overwhelming detrimental effect on your corals. If you raise stabilize and maintain for a reasonable amount of time IMO your corals will be fine


Thanks for posting Joe. I think it would be beneficial to try to speed up the life cycle of the parasites in the display as well. The time line is very close. If it will not hurt the corals then I think that she should do it.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
As you know nothing is a given in this hobby and a rapid rise in temp of even a few degrees is a know cause of bleaching but in this case given the circumstances and the fact that she can control the rise at a slow rate IMO she has to take this course of action.Again the critical factor is a SLOW raise


Staff member
Ich should be clear of the display tank within 3 weeks. The issue is using a less reliable instrument to measure specific gravity. For maximum effectiveness, there should be a measure of specific gravity as well as salinity.
In this situation, there is no guarantees based on this. Ich can not survive without a host fish beyond a couple of weeks.


what I messed up about is that I only have 2.5 weeks before my trip
so total there will be 3.5 weeks to deal with
I bought a refractometer and it's on it's way
Hopefully things will be ok until it's shipped to me
So i will SLOWLY raise the tank temp to 85 degrees and see how things are May 13 if they are fine I will slowly raise salinity and have them back in the tank for my trip
I will keep everyone posted and BTW THANKS SOOO MUCH!


Originally Posted by jamiegrl
what I messed up about is that I only have 2.5 weeks before my trip
so total there will be 3.5 weeks to deal with
I bought a refractometer and it's on it's way
Hopefully things will be ok until it's shipped to me
So i will SLOWLY raise the tank temp to 85 degrees and see how things are May 13 if they are fine I will slowly raise salinity and have them back in the tank for my trip
I will keep everyone posted and BTW THANKS SOOO MUCH!
This is going to be a very close call. I hope that it all works out for you. Feed them, if you haven't been, foods dosed with garlic and vitamins to keep their immune system high. Read Beth's Common Treatments FAQ for instructions on cutting the fresh garlic and it's uses. Let us know how it goes


things have now changed :(
the fish now show tiny signs of ick
the clown has a peice of stringy clear stool hanging out of him as well
now what do I do???


Should I raise the temp of the QT tank??
treat w copper?
uh! this stinks!!


Originally Posted by jamiegrl
Should I raise the temp of the QT tank??
treat w copper?
uh! this stinks!!
Copper and hypo take the same amount of time to be effective. If you were to use copper now, you would have to take a week or so to raise the SG first. You cannot run copper while the fish are in hyposalinity. It would then take three weeks for the copper to kill ich. The fish are already in hypo. Don't raise the temp on the QT. I suggested that in the display because no fish are in there. The ich life cycle MAY be sped up and they would have no host to feed from. Keep going as planned. What is the ammonia and nitrite reading in the QT?


nitrates around 20
the ammonia level is 1 but i did use amquel + to help detoxify it
the tank is due for another water change today


Originally Posted by jamiegrl
nitrates around 20
the ammonia level is 1 but i did use amquel + to help detoxify it
the tank is due for another water change today
Alright, post what your readings are after the change. What sized change do you do and how often? How often to you dose Amquel plus?


ok so there is not getting around this
the fish will just have to stay in the HT while im away...
I will pay a friend to visit the house more often to take care of the tank
i mean i might have been able to get away with it before but the fish now show symptoms... right? they need hypo for 3 weeks after symptoms are gone? I would have been ok but all 3 fish have 1 or 2 tiny white dots
im just now concerned about my next trip
I have another trip for work and I leave for that June 6. I have 12-14 hour work shift the 3 days prior to leaving and the person I normally use to help me with the tank is unavailable so im using a family member who CANT do this stuff
sooo my question is how long do you think it will take for signs of ick to go away?
I have to put them back in the tank by June 5 and even that pushing it


i have an appt so the water change will have to wait till like 3 or 4
i do a 25% water change every other day
I only used amquel 2 so far (the 27 and the 29)


Originally Posted by jamiegrl
ok so there is not getting around this
the fish will just have to stay in the HT while im away...
I will pay a friend to visit the house more often to take care of the tank
i mean i might have been able to get away with it before but the fish now show symptoms... right? they need hypo for 3 weeks after symptoms are gone? I would have been ok but all 3 fish have 1 or 2 tiny white dots
im just now concerned about my next trip
I have another trip for work and I leave for that June 6. I have 12-14 hour work shift the 3 days prior to leaving and the person I normally use to help me with the tank is unavailable so im using a family member who CANT do this stuff
sooo my question is how long do you think it will take for signs of ick to go away?
I have to put them back in the tank by June 5 and even that pushing it
That is what I was thinking too. That is why I asked about the readings and frequence of changes. It would be best if they can continue the treatment. Then you will not have to worry about the display. If you can set up an auto top off unit, and do a water change before you leave, then the person watching your tank will not have as much to worry about. The fish should be done with treatment by June 5th.


UH!!! i wish i bought a refractometer before hand
i think the salinity level dropped too low
the wrasse was fine this afternoon but is now at the bottom of the tank breathing heavily
the othewr levels are what they have been no worse
i raised it a tiny bit
hopefully he can survive until i can raise the level but i doubt it
the refractometer should be here in 2-3 days


under a miracle of god the wrasse survived and is happy and alive this morning
Does anyone think it's a bad idea for leave the salinity around 1.011 until I recieve the refractometer and get more acurate readings?
I dont want that to happen again and realize how lucky I am that he survived
Will this interfere a lot with the treatment plan?
The refractometer will be here within the next 1 or 2 days