Hospital tank setup question.


The fish in my 55 are starting to show signs of ich. I have 2 freshwater tanks set up one 55 and one 29. My question is IF I combined all the freshwater fish into the 55, added salt mix to the 29 would that be a cycled tank? Basiclly is the nitrifying bacteria the same for fresh and salt, and will it survive the hyper salinity change?
Another question: How well does the garlic extreme work for just treating this in the main tank?


thats a good question but just a wild guess would tell me no (i really dont have a clue here) but i would assume the bacteria strains are gonna be diffrent and not that adaptable. hense why you can not do hyposalinity with your main tank if you have live rock and sand.


garlic will help them fight it off but it will continue to be present in the tank until the display has been fishless for a certain amount of time. beth has written the description for both QT tanks and treatment for ICK in a thread near the top of this page.


Active Member
i use garlic extreme daily with my fish foods its very helpful in boosting the fishes natural imune system,beth prefers fresh garlic im sure this she will for adding sea salts to your fw tank in the same water .no this will not work at all.the bacterias in the fw cannot survive the sw enviroment this will not only cause a cycle but a major ammona spike caused by death of all the living organizms in the fw tank would have to drain that tank as start it of as a new tank. the main things i do when ich becomes present in a large number of my fish and qt is not an option at the time.up feeding schedule to 4-5 times daily(mine are now at 3) add galrilix extreme directy to the tank at doses of 1 drop per every 10 gal tank water also add selcon direct to tank 5 mil at every 50 gal is whats bottle recomemnds i normaly add 3 mils per pm feeding to the tank feeding is great for fish not eating. be sure you are feeding your fish the proper diet and daily amounts required by species this will help reduce the rish of future infestations.if you need help in deciding if your diet is appropriate for all your fish species please feel free to ask


I have a Tomato clown, 2 yellow damsels, 2 royal grammas, and a flame angel. I feed them Prime reef flakes. I have tried the seaweed select and frozen pigmy angle formula with them showing no intrest in either of these. The tank has 40 lbs of LS and 1 8.5lb LR. I emperor 400 filter and a 160gph powerhead. I just added 3 blueleg hermits, 3 cerith snails and 2 black turbo snails. I was observing the new additions when I noticed the fish rubbing themselves on stuff.


Oh I forgot one of the black turbos has a featherduster on his shell. How do I take care of that little guy?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Fuppets
I have a Tomato clown, 2 yellow damsels, 2 royal grammas, and a flame angel. I feed them Prime reef flakes. I have tried the seaweed select and frozen pigmy angle formula with them showing no intrest in either of these. The tank has 40 lbs of LS and 1 8.5lb LR. I emperor 400 filter and a 160gph powerhead. I just added 3 blueleg hermits, 3 cerith snails and 2 black turbo snails. I was observing the new additions when I noticed the fish rubbing themselves on stuff.
I recommend trying the thera+A pellets non medicated anti paresitic formuila pellets by spectrum 2 times daily.then a combo of frozen prepared foods at nite. my fish go nuts for these and they are highly vortified with vit and minerals for all fish species. keep trying the angel formula it may just take time(your angels must be fed an angel formula) you may wish to add formula one frozen cubes also by ocean nutrition.thaw both foods in a small cup of water with garlic extreme and selcon(these will not only help boost your fishes imune systems but also entice your fish to feed) once thawed crumble the cubes then pour into the tank .seaweed selects for youf fish will be ok as maybe a snack but none of your fish reqwuire large amounts of may wish to crumble a small bit of that up in the food mixer when feeding frozen vairety of foods (what your fish wont eat your snails and crabs will.all of your tank inhabitants will benefit highly from selcon supplimets. as for your feather duster those are filter feeders and adding cyclopseze to the foods may help with him also(your fish will also like these). i do think setting up a qt tank for your fish would be very helpful in case they need to be treated further,but you will need to empty one of your tanks fully if you plan on using a fw tank.please chech this link on information about setting up a qt/host tank