Hostile Crowd or just me???

While I am very sorry if I offended anybody with how angry I got over the one post in question, I still believe that everything I said was right. Like flamehawk said, it's ok to waste money but not lives of beautiful creatures. That is what makes me so angry. Whatever chance that fish may have is gone, and I feel it hard to stand by and watch it's life extinguished by someone who knows what they're doing. Once again, sorry. I'll stop ranting now.


I actually think it's good that emotion surfaces from time to time. It should, we are talking about living things - and their care. I also don't mind when folks question the credibility of something someone says, it keeps people accountable. More importantly, it may keep someone from making a serious mistake.
When I read the post on the fire I thought the same as most of you - quite a coincidence. But there is no harm in the post - no bad advice going out and nobody basing decisions on it. No harm - no foul...
However, I think it is well within reason for folks to question this online. Establishing whether someone just makes things up or has integrity will in the long run make this a healthier place to get advice. Remember, folks in the past have come here with the express purpose of getting attention at the expense of this community.
Bottom line is this - I want to know what , why and how deeply they believe their advice. Keep the emotion and learn to roll with the punches.


Thank you for posting this as a topic! i had posted similar sentiment in the "Fire" topic and I guess the topic was removed, because I was going to cut and paste it here for those who didn't get to see it...
Im glad others feel the same way, we are what make this board what it is, all of us, so lets make the most of it!!
Thanks again,


Active Member
Good thread. Couple of points, as a person definitely guilty of heated posts.
Message boards are tough places. It is not always as easy to debate points here as it is to do so in person, over a beer. Sometimes in the effort to be efficient in our typing/answer/whatever, we lose the ability to express our true emotions. I enjoy a good debate, I'm a former academic, but my posts are long enough without throwing in a lot of emoticons, ums, ers, ya knows and what not- things that I have in my normal conversations they may betray the fact that I am simply debating a point, and most welcome counterpoints. This can be misinterpreted as aggression, rudeness, and the like.
Sometimes people have, well, just plane teribley gramma speling and stuff (grammar is the worst sentence run-on "where is the question" types). This cAN geT anoiing and git annoye rep lies. Take a moment to read over your post, to see if people can understand the issue.
But keep in mind that by posting questions, you are asking for answers, and you have agreed to this. Sometimes people say "I want to keep such and such a fish with these things" (Jillian's thread for example). The answer is based on what else is in the tank, so to say "I didn't want your opinion on the other fish, just this one" is somewhat silly. It is part of the equation, and people have a right to justify their answer when you ask a question.
"Can I add this clown fish to my 6 month old 150g tank with a dwarf angel" will not result in too many heated replies. "Can I add this clown fish to my 6 month old 30g tank with a yellow tang, 2 dwarf angels, a mandarin, 5 chromis, and tiny blue tang" will be a different story. For the poster to say "it doesn't matter because my fish are healthy just tell me about the clown fish I don't want your other opinions" is silly.
And sometimes people get downright desperate, and I am in this boat. Sometimes you can see a disaster coming, and become desperate to try and get that information out....if not for the original poster, then for anyone who might stumble across the thread later.
This is where the limits of a message board become even more clear, because desperation and abruptness/rudeness are difficult to tell apart, difficult to distinguish even with emoticons, and there is perhaps no room for IMO, IME, etc etc. Maybe there is no opinion whatsoever, just common knowledge!
You just read something and have a gut reaction to respond, ASAP, courtesy and friendly chat be darned.
There are lives at risk. While there is no reason, IMO, for overreactions in things like filtration, lighting etc (there are lots of ways to keep tanks successfully), when there are animals in question, unpopular things may need to be said. When you ask a question, you won't always hear what you want. But when people are very very passionate, then maybe the point will get across. After awhile, people will turn to sarcasm, if they feel the point is not getting across.
I don't really understand the Fire!! thread. IME, it is not a standard flame type troll message, but I believe the parties involved have made apologies.


Active Member
I think the board sometimes get a bit off topic sometimes ... sometimes for fun and sometime into heated debates. Not sure if that is a problem.
I think it is a typical winter blah cycle .... people getting cabin fever ... etc.
Plus I'd have to agree with Ophiura - when people post sometimes the grammar is horrible.
That or they ask a question without providing enough details. So people start putting their whole set-up in their signature line - then someone posts complaining about it ....
can't we all just get along??
This is why we get rude on the board, this guy keeps a tang in a 29 gallon:
I don't mean to be rude, but until you get a degree in marine science and a masters in aquaculture, like I have, don't try to tell me what size tank I should use. I'll bet I've forgotten more about this subject than you will ever learn. Any one else who has worked with ---- Perrin, knows what I am talking about. :mad: :mad:


Active Member
Well it is nice to see that the majority of the people have the safety of the fish first. (Sorry about the grammar, but you know what I mean). I did not go salt water for the longest time because of the moral issue of taking fish out of the ocean to put in your living room. But then I realized 2 things. First, my little protest was not stopping the trade and second, If these creatures are so beautiful and they stay in the ocean we cannot appreciate their beauty. I am now stepping off my soapbox.
Maybe one thing that would help is an FAQ sticky thread. I have only been here for about 3 months and I see the same questions over and over, What size for my tang, how many watts per gallon, what is southdown, where can I get southdown.....Then if someone says they have a tang in their 10 gallon aquarium the can kindly be referred to the FAQ section, which would state that the minimum tank size is XX gallons.
Just my thoughts.


Im a newbie to this forum and have received alot of really great info. Although I do agree sometimes i ask a not so smart question and I get like bombarded with critism. Otherwise its all good.