hosting anemone


New Member
hey does anyone if there is a good low light hosting anemone. i would like to find one for my clowns. they are in my 29g eclipse tank with a reefsun 50/50 and coral sun actinic 420 both 24" any help would be great thanks


An anemone will need at least vho or PC lighting in order to survive.
There are no anemone's that could/would/should be kept in your tank with the current lighting.
Unfortunatly, those eclipse set ups are not geared towards good lighting.
What type of clowns do you have?


sebea anemones can live in moderate light, i have 130 watt 10,000k compact foresent in a 75 and my sebea is very healthy


130 watts on a 75 gallon = 1.7 watts per gallon. That is not moderate. That is very Low.
To low for your anemone, IMO.
Unfortunatly, an anemone will seem to be doing great, because it is expanding, etc.. while in reality it is expanding to get more light. they die a very slow death without proper lighting.


New Member
I have 2 True Percula Clownfishi want the anemone for. but i was looking around and i found this SmartPaq Single Lamp Retrofit Kit (23" For Eclipse 3, 65-watt) think that would be okay? thanks for all the help so far


What do you think about this light for a 55g?
48" Satellite 2x65W SunPaq w/Lunar Light
SmartPaq 10,000k/460nm


If you double that light output, you will have around 3.4 watts per gallon of light.
I would suggest you do a search on lighting for Anemone's and reasearch it.
65 watts will not be enough light for an Anemone, or any other coral other than mushrooms.
True percs are very "picky" as to what types of anemone they will host.
if you do the math, you have a total of 130 watts for a 55 gallon tank. divide the 130 by 55 and you get 2.3 watts per gallon.
I guess I should ask you guys how long the tanks have been running, and your water parameters?? Lets start there and see where we can get you guys.
I appreciate the openmindedness you are showing and the genuine concern for the well being of your tank inhabitants.
Very good attitude..You will go far in the hobby. :jumping:


My tank currently has no fish just 10 pounds of live rock with a cleaning crew.
40 snails(mix turbo and margarita), 40 blue legged crabs, brittle star, cucumber.
ammon: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 20
I'm in the process of curing about 50 pounds of LR. Got serveral more weeks before they will be ready.


New Member
this tank has been up and going for about 5 months. I have about 20LR and a maxi 600 powerhead in there
okay lets see i tested my water last night and my lvls were.
Nitrite 0
Ammonia 0
ph 8.2
nitrates 10 ppm
salinity 1.024
Thanks FF


Well, in addition to lighting, I would suggest that you both allow your tanks to establish and stablize for at least 6 months.
Most people will tell you to wait till the tank has been up and running and stable, for a year before adding any type of anemone.
You will need to get 1-1.5 lbs of LR per gallon of water . That is generally the "rule of thumb".what type of filtration are you using? skimmers? PH's?etc..
FF, any other type of filtration other than the eclipse hood and PH?


my tank has been running for over 6months and all levels are good except nitrates, they are at 40 and have been for a long time, i change 15 gallons every week trying to get them down, with no luck. I have prism skimmer and a duel bio wheel. i have 55lbs of rock and 90 lbs of live sand. I am having no luck finding the exact lighting needs of a sabae animone.


New Member
i have a amiracle protien skimmer seems to be doing a ok job. and i do weekly water changes. i do have a few snails and hermits
Thanks FF


I currently have a ViaAqua Multi-Skimmer and an over the back filter. 2 maxi jet 900 powerheads.
My tank has only been up for 2 months and I don't plan to put any anemone in for a long while but if I need to add more stuff better to find out now and save the money then wait to found out I don't have the right set up.
As far as LR goes I will have plenty when I'm done. I have been reading up on DIY LR and currently have about 50 pounds curing. I will be making some more after this is done. The 10 pounds I have in the tank now was bought from the LFS.


Hey guys, here is a great thread fullof tons of info for you.
I will be off the boards till the morning, so read up and I am sure others will chime in to add there advice.
Marshall, your tank is not stable if you are still having issues with nitrates. I would suggest getting the LR added and then addign soem more inverst to assist withthe nitrate issue. Also, I see you have a bio-wheel and a skimmer. That is not enough fitration I am sorry to say. You want to shoot for like 20x's water turnover for a reef. and 10x's for a fowlr.
I would do a couple things to make your tank a success.
First I would consider either a sump, or possibly adding a cannister filter to your existing set up.( maybe a magnum 350) Lots of benefits. I had one on my original 55 with an emperor 400 bio-wheel and had great sucess. so good I had to go out and get the
I would make sure i had enough water turnover. I am sure there is more, but I am pressed for time. Good luck and like I said, I am sure some other really knowledgable peeps will help you out tonight.


Some people believe the sebae is one of the most difficult anemones to keep, because they almost always bleach during shipping, and it is difficult for them to get their "color" back. If you do a search for sebae in the clownfish and anemone forum, you should get lots of results. I have a BTA myself, but I have read a lot about the sebae on this forum. Some say metal halides are a necessity. Do the search and see what you find out.