Hosting Clowns


I have a 30g tall tank with a 65W PC and a 15W Flourescent is there an anemone that i could have near the top of my rockwork that could live there and host a pair of percs?


how much more lighting would i need to be able to have an anemone? I have some xenia, muchrooms, and polyps in the tank now and they are all doing fine. i figure right now i have 2.66 wpg are there any anemones that will host for about 4.3 wpg if i got rid of the flourescent and got another 65w PC? Also the anemone doesnt have to host percs, i would like to find an anemone that would be happy in my tank and then pick the hosting symbiont accordingly


Active Member
I even tried an anemone under 2x65 watt PCs and it didn't work out. IMO go with no less than 195 watts PC, plus 2-3 days per week feedings. Or just stick a 70 watt or 150 watt DE halide over your tank and your good to go.


on a certain auction site i see that there is a jebo ODyssey light being sold. It is 130w (1 65W 12000K and 1 65W actinic) if i added that to the coralife 65 watt 50/50 i have now would that be enough. And is that even worth trying? i have heard mixed reviews about jebo lights.


if i cant fit both fixtures, would it work to have just the 130W going on the tank? Could i have maybe a BTA if it were up near the top of the rockwork?


Active Member
IME it wouldn't work with 130w. I had a very beautiful 6" RBTA on the very top of the rocks with 130 watts. After a few months, even with supplemental feedings, it's fully expanded size was 3" and it wasn't something nice to look at. It was nearly dead, but then I upgraded to a 150 watt halide. That was about 8 months ago and I believe it's now recovered, and it just split about a month ago.
If I were you I'd just get a 150 watt DE halide and add it to the 65 watt PC you already have. Extra cost for the 150w halide would be about $150-200 A 14kk MH bulb with the PC actinic would look great.

bang guy

Originally Posted by Ryan115
if i cant fit both fixtures, would it work to have just the 130W going on the tank? Could i have maybe a BTA if it were up near the top of the rockwork?
They typically move around until they can place their foot in a cave and then stretch around into the light. Placing them high doesn't mean it will stay there.


i dont think that the pc and halide would fit on my tank. The tank is a 30 tall so the top is only 12x24, there wouldnt be enough room to have both. I had read the the BTA were the anemone that would have the least amount of lighting requirments, if this is wrong it there any anemone i could have that would live under either 130W or if i can fit it 195W of PC. Also i relize that the anemone moves, but i thought that it would move to find more ideal conditions, i.e. the top of the tank where there would be more light. But trying to talk sense into an anemone probably wouldnt work so well.


Active Member
IMO it's true that the BTA is the least light-demanding of the hosting anemone species, but they still need high lighting.


so do you think that it would work having the 195W on the 30g? if it doesnt all fit i could either take my canopy off the tank or i could take both fixtures apart and use them like retro kits on my canopy. What do you think?


my LFS recommended Current Satellite PC lighting. I figured the prices after replacing the bulbs in the Jebo would bring it to almost $100 and that would be the price for the 2x65W satellite fixture. He told me that the square pin satellite is actually brighter than the same size coralife. Does anyone know about this brand? :help:


any particular reason why? i have 1 coralife fixture now and am pretty happy with it. But i did find a Current Sun Paq retro kit with 2 x 65w for $89.99, seems pretty good to me.

bang guy

No scientific reason. Just that my corals didn't like Coralife VHO recently when they were on sale (to the point of replacing them after 1 month) an also didn't like them in the past. The fixtures may be awesome, I've never tried. I just don't like the results of using their bulbs.