Hosting Clowns!


Very nice. I thought that clowns who hosted corals would irritate them? I don't know where I've read that, but I thought I did. I guess it depends on the coral. Your frogspawn seems pretty happy. Thanks for sharing!
i already posted this once, but here is my black and white clown in my carnation anemone.


JFarris: I've never heard of a Carnation Anemone, do you know the scientific name for it? And is that a natural color or is it possibly dyed? :notsure:


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sula
JFarris: I've never heard of a Carnation Anemone, do you know the scientific name for it? And is that a natural color or is it possibly dyed? :notsure:

Looks a lot like a dyed sebae to me.


It is not a sebae or at least that's what I've been told, although I thought it looked like one as well. I had never heard of a carnation anemone either. I posted on RAG, and the feedback was that it was indeed a rare carnation anemone. I've gone to two of the three pet stores in town, and both of the "bags" they were shipped in were labeled "carnation anemone". If it is dyed, I don't know about it. I wouldn't even know how someone would do that. If they did, would it be healthy? It is doing wonderful. The base is a bright orange/red, the top is yellow.


Originally Posted by perk3211
i love the colors but what type of clown is that? :notsure:
yea hes a true perc. Jfaris...I also head that the clown might irritate the coral, but it stays open all day and dosent seem to mind my clown brushing in and out of it. My clown beats it up before the lights go out though, i dont know why.


Clowns will irritate some corals if they try hosting them. If I remember correctly frogspawn and its family (torch, hammer corals) usually tolerate clowns hosting them after a period of adjustment.


Yes, that is a long-polyped toadstool. The clown actually was using the Star polyps first, then switched to the taodstool. Must be a female, she keeps changing her mind :happyfish