Hosting Suggestions


I recently had to give up my maroons, they were beating the hell out of my coral beauty whenever it swam near their side of the tank. I bought two small black and white percs, they do not seem to show any interest in my btas though. The maroons loved them, any suggestions to getting the new percs to host?


The picture method!
On the side of the tank tape a picture of a clown fish and anemone your clowns will get the idea.. this is Thomas' method works for any people


Active Member
You can also try one of those nori clips that look like clowns and stick it on the glass near the anemone. Might work to draw them down there and then maybe they might notice the anemone, maybe...maybe not.


Thanks for the replies, I will give it a shot. They have not been in my tank long, about a week, hopefully they will settle in more and take to the anenome.