hosting technique


Active Member
Print off a picture of a clown hosting and tape it to the glass facing in where the anemone is.


It took mine 6 days. 5 of the picture up and then i took it down 1 day n host but the very next day was hosting :joy:


what do you want them to be hosting in? it took my clown about 2 weeks to jump into my frogspawn w/ the picture method. i love it. im trying it again as we speak


Active Member
I have also heard to try placeing a clownshaped/model nori clip near the anemone and another trick is to shine a small pointed light every night into the anemone. Like set it to a timer so its on each and all night.


does it matter what kind light? like moonlight/flashlight, and how bright they are? i got a 1W moonlight which will light up my whole tank, will it disturb my fish/coral/anemone? or i could point that thing at the anemone
thanks ^^


From research, you cant tell a fish to sit, stay or shake...nor host...takes time, if the clown becomes curious he will go in it.


Originally Posted by spyke326
does anyone have a hosting technique for the clownfish to go into an anemone
I am new to the Saltwater scene. What exactly is "hosting". I have 3 of the Anemone's but I will get a clown if it is something cool. Thanks


Originally Posted by willsmith1
I am new to the Saltwater scene. What exactly is "hosting". I have 3 of the Anemone's but I will get a clown if it is something cool. Thanks
It's where they'll kind of live inside the tentacles, feed it, & clean it. Basically take care of it, in exchange the clown gets protection.


Posting a picture or several on the side worked for me. It took about 5-6 weeks, though, not days. I have TR ocellaris and BTAs. There was a thread on here discussing this method, which included pics.