HOT Magnum


New Member
Anyone know how to make Purigen work with the HOT Magnum by Marineland. The problem I'm having is Purigen is a bit too small for the media basket that comes with the HOT Magnum. Am I looking at a dead end?


New Member
anyone with a valid answer or am i at a dead end and should order some other filter that can hold a small particle filter media such as purigen.

sign guy

Active Member
oh yeah that stuff imho not better but different, remember dont add what you cant test for. but if you do test for all that stuff youll need a media bag to keep it in you magnum
and evan if you use it dont stop using carbon


New Member
yeah my question was the media container that comes with the HOT magnum, is shaped so only large filter media can be used. I was hoping if someone knew a way around this. Because if I put a small fine filter media in the container that is provided by the HOT magnum, it just goes right through and ends up in the tank


Active Member
i use the purigen that comes in the little bags....just stick em in there and they are fine. If you dont want to do that you can get a filter media bag for it....make sure to get the 100 micron size bag

purigen is awesome by the way :jumping:


New Member
Originally Posted by joncat24
i use the purigen that comes in the little bags....just stick em in there and they are fine. If you dont want to do that you can get a filter media bag for it....make sure to get the 100 micron size bag

purigen is awesome by the way :jumping:
Now the the 100 micron bag can fit in the media container supplied by the marineland? I'm currently not at home with my tank. All i remember is the basket is outer part basket with a tubular pipe in the middle. I just have trouble seeing a bag fit in such a small area.
And what do you mean by this
"If you dont want to do that you can get a filter media bag for it"
Are you saying you use the HOT magnum without the basket, and just put the bags instead?
Thx for replies


Active Member
I was saying if you dont want to buy the little bags already made up , that You could buy a different bag. The little pouches of pruigen should fit in there no problem. Inside the little half round cannister. I have the magnum also


New Member
alright thanks joncat, i'm going to try that when i get home. I sure wish marineland could make a media container that could hold all types of small particles


New Member
Oh i just got home and i just realized that the HOT magnum comes with a micron cartridge filter and a carbon media basket. Which one do you use with Purigen?