hot pink toadstool?


Never had seen one till yesterday? Of coarse I want it, but anyone know anything about them? Of coarse the l.f.s say they are the same as any other toadstool. But I doubt this, as the coolest reef corals (as you know) can be quite finiky.


i bought a toadstool for $15 ....the LFS OWNER swore it was a sickly mushroom.....well now it is healthy and it is a stool,.....the only emeralds think it is their bed.....funny really


it could be dyed. i saw another thread about this. also i heard that they dont survive long after they have been dyed


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer32
If its really hot pink then i suspect it dyed, shame on your lfs for not telling you

Agreed. Hot pink is not a common coloration for toadstools/ Either super rare and new to science or dyed.


Active Member
Wow, imagine how cool a hot pink toadstool would look, let alone how much you could make off frags........Too bad, I seriously doubt it exist in nature...


I have seen them. A guy named Jeremy on the bay of e frags, grows, adn sells them. They are not dyed. Yours, I don't know. Should be pretty easy to take care of. Just a TINY BIT more attention is required to my knowledge. Post a pic. they do exist, and congrats if you found one. They are rare. Flow, light, and iodine are key.


Active Member
Again, there is no such thing as a hot pink toadstool, sorry reefer. I did alot of research on them after seeing one in a lfs. Do not buy this coral!


I think I'm going to use my better judgment and not buy it, because I can find absolutly no info on them. Also this guy tries to sell wierd stuff like sting ray and nurse sharks, bat fish ect. Which I'm sure almost all die before he pawns them off on people. Place is trashy too...he has a good deal on skilter if anyone is looking for one LOL!


go to the bay of e. type in this item number: 220116082647. OH< I was wrong, his name is not jeremy, its casey. Excuse me.
If that doesnt work. type "toadstool live coral" in the search engine of the bay of e. I have contact him about these, as well as checked out his website. I BELIEVE>
You all cant possibly expect the books we all own adn the websites we KNOW to have all the answers. There are more than 100 new species found EVERY DAY in the great big blue.


Active Member
i looked at the photo, and it appears that there is some lighting that has been added in the red wavelength to possibly make the coral appear pink. If you look at the rock around the corals it appears as if he has the brightest pink and red corraline ever. I think that they may have a natural pink hue to them, but the lighting is what is making them look that pink. Not to mention in the discription it clearly states that lighting varies from one system to the next and that the coral may not look like this in your tank, which is a general discalimer, but he does not in fact list his lighting for comparison there are now in fact bulbs in a multitude of colors now available for t5 lighting systems meant to do just this to your livestock...


Active Member
If you search the web, you find Phyllis Daniels and the guy from _bay are the only ones with this coloration which would lead me to believe that it's either ultra rare or somebody's getting squeeze happy with the Easter egg dye.


Active Member
hey sprang, im in indy too, go to Premium aquatics, they are the best ever for a local fish reefer to another