hot water


New Member
could someone please help!!! I just put a 65 watt pc now my water temp is climing should i get a computer fan and if I do how would I hook It up (get power to it)? Please any help?
Thanks Andy
35 gal sw
2 in cc
25lbs lr
1 yellow tang
1 panther grouper
3 damsils
10 blue leg hermit
10 turbo
eclipse 3 filter
fluval 3
1 powerhead
1 65 watt pc


Active Member
that temp is fine. my tank is normally aroudn that. a lot of people keep their tank at that. my tank got to 86 degrees once and everyone lived.


Active Member
yes, it is fine now. but remember it is winter. in the summer your tank might get a little bit hotter. try to keep it at 83 max.


Active Member
If temp becomes a problem try removing your glass tops. If you already have done this you can add a small pc fan. Go to like an electronic store and tell them what your doing they can help you out on how to hook it up.