Household goods?


Active Member
I have read several posts regarding some household goods that can be used as supplements in a reef tank, particularly in regards to additives.
What are they?
thing only household things I can remember reading about for aquarium use are baking soda for ph and ammonia for cycling a tank


Active Member
Hey Cathbad.....
Originally posted by HIRock
Epsom Salts = Magnesium Sulfate MgSO4-7H20
A good Mag supplement.


I don't know how economic this may be but it may be worth a figuring. Add tincture of iodine to hydrogen peroxide. Iodine crystals will precipitate. I suppose these could be used as a supplement; just dissolve them in water before adding.



Originally posted by Kipass4130
i have read that epsom salt isnt as chemically readily available for reaction as other mag supplements... i think holmes-farley had a write about it... pretty much said it was ok if it was a last resort.. but not something to use frequently
no personal experience with epsom.. so i cant tell ya my experiences... just what i have read

Not to spite what you have read (Randy knows his stuff dealing with chemistry) but I have used store bought Epsom salts for over 3 years and have never had a problem with the Calc and Alk being antagonistic. IME I have never had a problem with sand clumping or cementing, nor have I noticed an increase in PO4's. I have maintained good coralline algae growth and respectfully, good coral growth. Some might not feel comfortable using it, but for me, it works like a charm.
Like I always say, everyone else’s mileage may vary, and probably will... Whatever works for you, go for it!
Question: Why don't saltwater manufactures list ingredients along the side of the bottle? My take is that if we all knew what they placed into the bottle, we as hobbyist could easily/or try to replicate the same concoction for much less, with store/local pharmaceutical bought products. This is just IMHO...



Originally posted by Kipass4130
btw.. for future reference :D
how much epson salt raises x gallons by y ppm?
(like baking soda... 1 teas raises 50gal by 1 dkh)

To increase the magnesium concentration by 100 ppm, add 1 gram of Epsom Salt per liter of water.
1 gram = .035 ounce: roughly 1/28th of an ounce
1 teaspoon = 100 grams
100 grams = 3.5 ounces
1 liter = 1.06 quarts: roughly 1/4th of a gallon (0.26)
1 Gallon = 3.8 liters
So, to bring up the Magnesium level 100 ppm in a standard 55 gallon system, we must multiply 3.8 liters by 55 gallons = 209.0 liters. So you will need to add 209 grams of epsom salts or roughly 7.046 ounces to bring up your system 100 ppm. (in layman terms, 2 healthy teaspoons per 55 gallons/100ppm of Mg)
If the increase required is more than 200 ppm then consider doing the increase in several steps over several days.
Of course to get the exact measurement of volume, you'll have to add all components involved. (sump/skimmer/refugium volume vs. actual displacement of rock and coral)
for your future reference :D
HTH :happyfish