Houston!!!, We have a problem


I have visited my friend yesterday.
He had a 340 G FOWLR tank.
This is his stock list
6 tangs(2 Yellow, 3 Hipo and 1 Naso)
2 Queen Angel (1 just died)
2 French Angel (1 jst died and we got 1 out in the hospital tank)
2 Flame angles
1 Puffer (don't remember with kind)
1 Gopy (don't remember with kind)
1 Pygmy Angel
1 Cleaner Wrasse
15-20 occelaris and damsels
no invert of any kind :(
about 5" of DSB and about 450 lbs of LR
Well he had an ICH (major) out break as we speak.
I told him the only way we can do this is
Take out all the liverock and do "Hypo" for a month.
Liverock can be live alone in a monster rubbermaid container for a month also with a power hear.
He told me that he saw the angel fishes are chasing each other. He said those angels are just recentlly added after 3 weeks of Q.
He's also feed his fishes with garlick soaked prepare food.
If He is Qing his fishes correctly. Than, I believed this outbreak from strecthed.
Is there anything else we can do to help my poor friend?
anthem, Beth, Terry?


Staff member
No, with such a large tank, either the LR or the fish will have to removed from the main setup and housed elsewhere. You're best treatment choice is hyposalinity. If the LR is going to be housed in rubbermaids, then be sure to add circulation and/or filtration in that container.
In addition to the hyposalinity treatment, have your friend offer the fish food soaked in garlic.


Active Member
Beth, if the main tank is used for hypo and the L/R is removed, will the critters in the L/S parish from using the hypo treatment?? I would have to guess that they would. Although, with this many fish, in this size tank, there really is no other option, unless he has another 125g lying around for a Q-tank.


Staff member
The bacteria in the sand bed will be fine, however, the other sandbed organisms will likely have die off. However, with the LR removed, many orgainsms that are in LR will repopulate the sandbed once the tank is returned to normal conditions.


That's is what I though.
I will recommed him to get Live Sand activator once his tank is fully recovered.