How about emergency plans for loss of power????


Reading many a horror story from some that lost everything due to ice storms causing loss of power and the now 03 power loss how about some plans that can be given to all of us to give our tanks and inhabitants a chance to make it. Ya, I've been searching the net for low price generators but don't want to go overboard or be taken either buying something that is a piece of garbage or that is overkill. (what to buy and where to get it maybe ?)Some of us using a generator is out of the question living in apartments or condos. Also battery powered stuff that might work for a day or etc. Would like to hear how some are set for whatever happens. Being from the Northeast anything could happen here and right now I would be in a panic if power loss had happened to me.

i like fish

Pen-Plax B-11 battery powered air pumps. They plug into the wall and kick on when the power goes out. I was without power for 3 days a month or so ago and they lasted on the same batteries.
My temp dropped to 74 (even though it was 85 in the house). I unplugged the heaters so I could raise temp slowly when we got power back. I pretty much let the lights and pumps bring the temp up till it got close to my target of 82 degrees.
Everything in the tank survived, I think the main reason was the $15 air pumps.


a gas generator would probably be the best thing to have. I have a 400 watt power converter. It plugs into the cig lighter of my truck.
Generator for sure. You can use it to control your reef tank and so many other essential things in your home in the event of a power loss.


Staff member
Fishman, yeah, but how long will that last in a blackout that lasts a few days?


Has anyone bought a generator for a resonable price?? What brand - model -price paid ? Where can Plen- Plax B11's be found? Winter's coming?