how aggresive is the six line wrasse


Just wondering on the temperment of these little guys. Will they attack small ornamental shrimp,snails,small fish and feather dusters. Also would anyone know about the max size in a large home aquarium


I had one of these guys and it took him all of 10min to kill one of my mated cbs. He got very aggressive, I no longer have him.


Active Member
I have had a sixline for several months and I love it. It has a great personality, weaves in and out of the rock work. I have never seen it be aggressive, playful yes, it likes to play tag with my royal gramma and it gets in on the tug of war over the nori strip with the yellow tang and the coral beauty. I think it is a great community fish and I know that lots on this board agree. I've never heard of one attacking a shrimp. Mine will try to "clean" other fish sometimes and the tomato clown actually likes to be cleaned by the sixline. I recommend them highly for a community tank. IMO/E


Thanks, the main reason I asked is most wrasse eat or pick to death small inverts....thanks for the info


Active Member
well so far I guess I'm in the minority with my playful fun sixline, that surprises me. I hope some others give their experiences, or maybe I better keep an eye on mine in case he turns evil. :(


Active Member
I was reluctant to get a sixline, because all of what I read said they can be agressive towards crustaceans. Mine however has never bothered anything in my tank. I've had him about 5 months now and have never seen him act aggressively towards anything in my tank. He is one of my favorite fish in the tank. As with anything you add to your tank you should watch it carefully to see how it interacts with it's tankmates.


My sixline is very great! One of my favoriets and dosn't seem to mess with anyone else. I Have never witnessed the horrors that others have seen.


my sixline is very good in my reef. It isnt at all aggressive and it is the last one to accept food. When i had a fireball angel, it would swim in and out of the rocks with it.


Seems to me most of you have had pleasant experience with the sixline wrasse so it looks like that will be the next addition to my tank also....thanks


Active Member
mine is a nice as can be- he is with a lawnmower blenny- a firefish, a clown goby and a cleaner shrimp- he never bothers anyone- im with ya Wrassecal:D


Active Member
mines says hello everytime i walk into the room, but hes picks on the firefish (just plows him over), but no scales or meat flying.. overall he is very passive