How aggressive are Humu Picasso Trigger Fish???



Originally Posted by julie853
Well,I have some caves but I think I will rearrange some of the rock around to give him more caves.
Well it sounds like these are really interesting fish with cool personalties.
I am really excited to be getting one.

Make sure you have 2 spots for him - mine won't sleep in the same cave 2 nights in a row. I suspect that's natural instinct - sleeping in the same place means a predator can wait for him to go to bed.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Mine sleeps in the same spot. He has had many caves but has kept sleeping in the same one until he grows too big to fit.

small triggers

Active Member
All 4 of mine sleep in the same spots they have since Ive had them in the big tank, over a year now. Though my niger is getting a tad to big to fit in his hole, so he is trying out different ones during the day, he may change soon.


I have about three good sized caves and several small ones so maybe I won't have to rearrange the rock.
I will put pictures up this week.

small triggers

Active Member
Heres my baby,,,,lets see everyone else's (from my 35g tank 6/2007 & now my 150g 8/2009 not a huge amount of growth in the 2 years Ive had him)


crypt keeper

Active Member
This was hime a few minutes after acclimation. Eating like apig that triggers normally are.

He was itty bittuy. My clown fish were 2 inches and 1.5 inches. He was smaller than both.



Here's mine or actually WAS mine. I ended up selling him because I couldn't deal with the constant sand storms. I like to have my tank neat and clean and that just wasn't gonna happen with this fish. But he was a really cool fish.



Wow awsom pictures guys!
I am worried about the sandstorms as I like to have my tank very neat looking too, but I'm willing to deal with it for such a cool fish.
I'm hopeing that with a lot of caves that sand moving might be minimum.


Yea, maybe thin out the LR a little and create some caves. I'm sure the fish would be happy to have more swim space.


Active Member
I have had a total of 3 Huma Humas in 3 years. One snapped and killed about everything think a Clown or Undy trigger snapping it was like that. The second was a freaking puppy dog and would roll on its side to get a scratch. The last one and will be my last one was a mean one it would attack any new fish.


I find that to be true with a lot of triggers, sometimes you get a nice one, sometimes a maniac. My humu was ok as far as agression. It didn't like my niger but otherwise didn't bother other fish. My first niger was mean as hell. The one I have now is the nicest fish in my tank. All the other fish bully him around, even my sargassum trigger.


well,I got him about a week ago and hes doing great!He's in my 29 gallon quartine tank right now and won't go into his long term home for about three more weeks.
He's only about a inch and a half right now he's very small.
As far as aggression I won't be able to tell until later,keeping my fingers crossed.


Originally Posted by RCreations
I find that to be true with a lot of triggers, sometimes you get a nice one, sometimes a maniac. My humu was ok as far as agression. It didn't like my niger but otherwise didn't bother other fish. My first niger was mean as hell. The one I have now is the nicest fish in my tank. All the other fish bully him around, even my sargassum trigger.

yeah mines buddys with my clown, my angel bullies him and he hates my puffers..then leaves everyone else alone haha