How and what to feed a chocolate chip star fish ?


Just got a chocolate chip star fish and thought i had read somewhere about hand feeding them. Is this true, if so what do i feed him, how often and where do i give it to him (emample; on 1 of his legs hanging out of the water ? ) I read that they eat flake, pellet and meaty foods. What kind of meaty foods does he eat ? I also read that it says to feed him regulary. I have only had him for 2 days but want to make sure he is ok. He is doing exactly like the description said, he has circled the tank at least 5 times, but has not got onto the rocks yet. Any info about this cool little guy would be appreciated.


Active Member
They will eat corals, I hope you know this. Skip the flake & pellet. Give him a small piece of chunky meaty food that won't break apart when it hits the shrimp, scallop, clam, silverside, squid, mussell, clean white fish is also ok. There is a package of frozen mixed raw seafood you can get at a grocer's or wally world. It's a good deal, just shave a bit off with a knife. Or defrost the pack in cold water, put into flat packages using ziplocs and refreeze. this will make shaving it off easier. Or you can just buy fresh & freeze it, that's what I do.


clams, do you mean the clams we eat at barbeques and you say mussells and squid , do you mean the kind you buy at the grocery store in the grocers isle ? I know i sound to you probably silly but just want to make sure i am doing the right thing also, do you give to him or do you drop into the tank and let him find it ??? thanks again
you can find the meaty food he speaks of at the grocery store of the LPS. MAKE SURE whatever you buy is fresh uncooked seafood. frozen is fine. i would think that you could put it in front of him and wait till he grabs hold.


Active Member
Save your money on expensive food at the LFS and purchase from your grocer's seafood display. Shove it right under his leg..he'll get it. Once a week or so will be fine. He will find leftover food in the tank as well.
P.S. floatingfish, I am a 'she' :cheer:
sorry i just say everything is a he. all of my fish are refered to as a he. it is just a habit. sorry
next time i will look at the name before stating gender.


i give mine market bought shrimp or squid. the other day i asked the guy behind the counter for one peice of squid, he looked at me kind of funny (.25 worth) but i took it home cut it and a shrimp into about 20 small pieces about the size of my finger nail and placed them on a plate and put them in the freezer. after they froze i put them in a ziplock bag. now i take a piece out every two days, defrost it and place it right under his legs when he is at the top of the tank. it is one of my favorite jobs. i think he would eat everyday if i fed him he always seems hungry.


Active Member
I feed mine mostly shrimp and scallops from the seafood section, but I also buy live clams from the grocery store and let them live in my tank. That way if he actually feels like "hunting" his food he can just find one, open it up, and chow down.


same as everyone else is saying, however I have found that my fish are high maintance so to speak and do not prefer the bagged frozen mix from the freezer isle of the grocery store. So, as for my choc chip star, he gets to finish off the bag. I take one piece of something every other day, and while still frozen, I give it a dip into the tank water to sorta thaw it. Then I get "chip" and bring him to the top, but still underwater, that is if he isnt there already waiting for me. Then I "unstick" him from the glass and place whatever I deceide he is gonna eat today right at the middle where his mouth is. He eats mussel & squid out of that frozen mix and on the third feeding I give him a piece of krill from lfs. I do not use the shrimp from the frozen mix bag bc it is tough and usually everyone lets it float to the bottom.