How are these Water Readings?

mr. jaws

New Member
I just change about %10 of my water on saturday and tested my water today (Wednesday) here are my readings. Ph 8.0, Nitrate 20, Nitrite 0.2, Amonia 0. I have a 50g FOLR w/ some mushrooms, Skimmer, Fluval 304 filter, Fish: foxface, clarkii clown, scooter blennie, and coral beauty. Tank has been set up for 9 months. I do water changes with Catalina water which means I dont mix my own.


to me your ph is a bit low, nitrates normal, surprised to see you have nitrite in a tank 9mo.'s established though, did you do anything major recently? add more rock or anything? it just kinda indicates that you had a small cycle. what size of tank is it? you don't have it in your profile..let us know

mr. jaws

New Member
My tank is 50g and my nitrites are just a trace amount. Should I add some Kent Ph buffer to help the Ph out?


Correct me if I am wrong. Do tanks always cycle? or do they Initially cycle and then just fluctuate between Ammonia, Nitrites and phosphates, in no particular order?
My impression from what has been posted is that once a cycle has occured, there is usually no trace elements of anything.


Active Member
Your nitrates are high. Try to get below 5 especially with inverts. Economic in a way you are right, our tanks are constantly cycling. Mature tanks just convert the waste faster ,much faster because of the amount and types of bacteria that have grown. As far as the nitrite reading after 9 months you really should not have any unless you added something new recently or are overstocked. What size tank do you have?