how bad is the fox face poision?


Bad Enough To Kill You If You Are Allergic Or Have A Severe Reaction, Or Bad Enough To Send You To The Emergency room Either Way.:nope:


are you thinking about getting one? It has the same symtoms of a bee sting but hurts much worse. Soak yur hand in very hot non scalding water and that helps but u should probably go to the hospital anyways.


Active Member

Originally posted by ReefNut
No more than a bee sting from what I hear.

would you think i would need to go to the hospital?if it not allergic to bee stings.


Generally if you arent allergic to bees (I am) You can be stung and not have an allergic reaction. However Liontamer had a odd reaction when his Lion stung him which makes me a little unsure if what I stated above is true, anyways I would recomend heading to the hospital in any situation when you are stung/bitten/poisened by any type of fish that has venom/poison and employs it through invenomation, or biting you like the fanged blenny but thats a whole different story....


Active Member

Originally posted by YellowTail
would you think i would need to go to the hospital?if it not allergic to bee stings.

Don't know man. I wouldn't think so but it would depend on how you react to it I guess... I have never experienced it so I'm going from hearsay.


well if u got stungu would probly want to monitor the sting for awhile and i'm pretty sure that u wont get stung if u care for it right and are carefulwith yur hand in the tank. better be careful of yur frags and u might want to make sure they're secure before u get one. when are u planning on getting it?