how big do you think a "frag" should be

I just wanted to get a feel for sizing of frags.
I just bought a bunch and they are dissapointingly small. about nickel size, and mostly zo's w/ about 8 TINY poylps per rock.
I was expecting them to be more like golf ball size.
Happy holidays to everyone!


fraging is typically left for sps corals where you are cutting them and placing them on new growth shoots, something like that i woudl call seeding, but yeah nickel sized pieces are about right. They will grow fast if you give them lots of trace elements and room.


Hey to me it depends on what kind they are and what ya paid for them.
If you bought standard brown for $10, thats no bargain. Something nice for that size and price its in the ball park.
BTW Around here we call those zoo frags. Its a fragment off of a larger colony, thus a frag.
Jeesh you guys will debate anything.:rolleyes:
Happy holidays to everyone!


Active Member
Zoa frags are usually price based on the size of the piece and the color. A small rock of true blues can go for $8-$10a polyp while the more common colors can go for much less.
I agree with jblabs, IMO a small collection of polyps is a frag as it not a colony but a fragment.



Originally posted by The Josey Wales
they were a varity of nice colors and 10 to 20 bucks each, free shipping.

Cool:) With good care and some time, you will have baseball size rocks of color:yes:


most of those frags tho are made by getting the zoos to grow on rubble and not by busting up the pieces of the colony. at least the ones i make are made like that, the process is to me seeding not fraging. But yeah for nice colors you didnt get taken for a ride.


oh sorry for not explaining myself.i meant that zoos really dont get cut from there base and put on another rock,but yes a piece of rock with zoos is a frag of a colony