how big is large?


I just ordered another U-build it and was wondering how big the colt I ordered is? It is listed as large, but what does that mean? Anyone order one of these? What should I expect? Thanks


Four feet squared for $50 would be a pretty nice deal. I could frag it, travel the country, and become the Johnny Appleseed/Preparation-H Raymond of colt corals:)
Thumbs up to for adding so many new corals.


I think it will be a very good size. I have never ordered any corals yet from SWF, but intend to sometime in the near future. I really wasnt too thrilled with the corals that I got from mail order sites elsewhere. After seeing the 2 mushroom rocks that someone had posted im sold. They look like something you would see in a pet store and want. I am kinda curious as to what the green flower mushroom looks like. Im sure they will update the pics selection soon.