How Big of a Cleanup Crew for a 75 gallon?


I've seen a lot of varying opinions on cleanup crews and I know mine is way understocked so I wanted to get some opinions on what I should have in my tank. It is a 75 gallon w/ a canister and wet/dry, 150lbs of live rock, stocked with a false percula, firefish, engineer goby, threadfin, sandsifting start, and small (keyword small) sailfin tang. My cleanup right now consists of four crabs and four mexican turbo snails. What else should I put in? Don't be afraid to be honest....I know I need a good bit more.
Oh and btw, I'm not getting some algae issues. Not quite hair algae but don't know if that has anything to do w/ lack of cleanup. Thought I'd throw that in there.


I have a 75g as well and here is what I have.
1 emerald crab
24 snails
10 hermits
Looking to get another emerald because the one I have not stays on one rock and won't leave it, lol.


Good deal. I was looking at SWF's reef packages and they were talking like 60+ snails and hermits combined ----it just seemed a little drastic to me.


You think that is drastic - I recomend one critter for every pound of rock you have! My 210 has about 300 total on the clean up crew!

florida joe

Well-Known Member
remember you CUC need things to clean up or they either become a dead CUC or a Predator CUC so stock accordingly


Originally Posted by EGILL
I have a 75g as well and here is what I have.
1 emerald crab
24 snails
10 hermits
Looking to get another emerald because the one I have not stays on one rock and won't leave it, lol.
That's about what I have....maybe a few more hermits than that. No die-off.


Originally Posted by pbnj
That's about what I have....maybe a few more hermits than that. No die-off.

I've lost 1 snail in 4 months and I think it's because he fell off a rock and I didn't notice him right away. But other then that they are all good and busy!!


Awesome, I'll have to do that. I'll probably pick up 10 hermits, 20 snails, an emerald, and a brittle start to start out with. That should be a great addition to my C.U.C. of 8 lol. I'm hoping they take care of some of my algae probs.


ive never been able to keep both snails and hermits.. the hermits kill all of the snails and steal the shells. maybe you'll have more luck. i have a 90 gallon starting up and plan to go with about 10 nass snails for the sandbed, 15-20 turbo's for the glass and rocks and 2 or 3 emerald crabs.