how big of a spike?


Originally Posted by cajonez
Yes, ammonia and nitrites have been at 0 for a couple days. I think I will do a 10% water change tonight and if everything is still good tomorrow, go look at some fish. I actually haven't thought of a stock list yet. I should probably spend some time and do that. Feel free to make some suggestions... :)
Hi there,
If you are planing on leaving long term (till they died), than I would not recomend anything bigger than 6" full grown and 8" if they are not swimmers.


I'm kind of coming up blank with the stock list. I know I want a couple clowns. My wife likes Kaudrerus cardinals, but I see they are semi-aggressive. Would they be small enough to not cause much of a problem? Gobys seem peaceful and have a lot of color options. I'm stuck...


Originally Posted by cajonez
I'm kind of coming up blank with the stock list. I know I want a couple clowns. My wife likes Kaudrerus cardinals, but I see they are semi-aggressive. Would they be small enough to not cause much of a problem? Gobys seem peaceful and have a lot of color options. I'm stuck...
OK, first think about what type of character and attitude you want from your fish. Personally I devide into 3 areas; Peacefull, Semi-Agressive and Agressive. Example I have a 55 agressive, there I have 2 triggers (short term only) and 4 damsels. It works cause they all can defend themselves. I like it cause they are very active and colorful. Another example I have a 10 peacefull. There I have 3 firefish and a coral beuty (short temp). This works cause the coral beuty (semi-agressive) really does not pick on the firefish (peacefull). The firefish are not really agressive, but they defend themselfs. The coral beuty is not agressive towards them, but was agresive with my butterflys (peacefull, semi-agressive). It just depends on what type of fish you like the most and work around it/them.