Originally Posted by maxalmon
I can almost bet you money that you have a rental clause that states "No water Filled Furniture" If your on the second floor, they will flip if they find out. If they are a reputable rental company they will do inspections maybe once or twice a year and you could get busted and have to take the tank down or pay a hefty premium or take out insurance for damage. I have rentals and I hate to say this, but I have it in all my contracts. Kinda snoop around without saying anything to see if it's allowed, maybe call the rental office and tell them your looking for an apartment and ask if they have any 2nd floor units available and then ask if they allow fish tanks or pets.
U r probably right, but maintenance lives below me and has been inside my apt. many times and seen my 55, 30, and 2 15 gallon tanks and they have not said a thing....