how big of a tank will i need for these fish?


i really want to get a 180 gallon tank for this grorp of fish but im wondering if I should get a 210 or 240 for this group and maybe 4-5 other fish: springeri pseudochromis, fridiman pseudochromis, neon dottyback, royal gramma, arc eye hawkfish, cuban hogfish, black cap basslet, queen/emperor angel, naso/naso blonde tang, reed sea sailfin tang, flame hawkfish, flame angel, coral beauty, lemonpeel angel, auriga butterflyfish, princess parrot fish, 2 gold head sleeper gobies, a purple firefish, and 2 percula clowns.
also, is it at all possible to keep 2 large angels in the same tank and would any of these fish eat or fight with eachother in a 180-240 gallon tank?


hey if u get all those fish im coming over to watch, cuz that list kept goin and goin, damn more fish that a LFS that i go to has. no adive here, just pointless comment, but im packing my sleepin bag


Active Member
2 large tangs and an emporer angel
I would think a 210 would do it, but I would go for the larger tank and get the 240,esp with those 3 and then some
I would however not get more than one angel


I am not mistaken you are talking about 20(!!!) fish, some of which get large, and incompatible. Without the last 4-5 that you want to get, I think you should reconsider.
Slow down. Get a tank you can afford cycle the tank, and slowlly read and learn. These are not toys, they are pets.


Active Member
I agree. You best get at least the 240g, and I would seriously reconsider that many fish. And it is impossible to know if they will all get along...and I am interested in what the unnamed other 4-5 fish will be. I mean, those 4 fish alone may be plenty if they are other tangs, angels, whatever....


Hey you sound like my roomate. He's pushing the brink of overload in his tank now and has a few of the same fish you mentioned .His latest addition of 3 firefish became expensive fish food. You have to think, lots of these fish aren't tank raised, and in their natural environment are never as confined as they will be even the largest tank. If each fish doesn't have his established territory even w/ normally compatible fish you can bet there will be problems.